Topic ID | Type | | Description
? | Command | | Command List / Syntax Help
*.SCR | File | | Dialler scripts.
< | Command | | Execute an XRPi command script
! | Command | | Run a command or program in a DOS shell
@ | Command | | Request / answer password challenge
*** | Command | | Temporary Console Callsign Override
ACCESS.SYS | File | | TCP/IP access control.
AGWHOST | Misc | | AGW Application Support
AGW-IFACE | Interface | | AGW Packet Engine Interface
AMSG | Command | | Enter APRS Messaging Mode
APPLS | Misc | | Application Support
APRS | Server | | About the APRS Server
APRS | Misc | | APRS facilities in XRPi
ARP | Protocol | | Address Resolution Protocol
ARP | Command | | Display / Edit ARP Table
ASYNC | Config | | ASYNC Interface
AUTOQUAL | Misc | | Automatic Route Quality
AXIP | Protocol | | AX25 over IP Protocol
AXROUTES | Command | | Display AX25 level 2 circuits
AXSCTRL | Misc | | TCP Access Control
AXTCP | Protocol | | AX25 over TCP Protocol
AXUDP | Protocol | | AX25 over UDP Protocol
BCAST | Misc | | UI Broadcasting
BELL | Command | | Display / set console bell times
BOOTCMDS.SYS | File | | Boot up config commands.
BYE | Command | | Disconnect
CAPS | Config | | Capability Flags
CAPTURE | Command | | Enable / disable tracing to file.
CD | Command | | Change Directory
CFLAGS | Config | | Set Connection Control Flags.
CFLAGS | Command | | Display / Set Connection Control Flags.
CHAT | Server | |
CHAT | Command | | Connect to chat server
CHATCMDS | Command | | Chat server commands
CMD | Command | | Add / Delete command aliases.
COLOURS | Config | | Console Colours
CONFIG | Config | | Configuring XRPi
CONNECT | Command | | Connect to another station
CONSOLE | Config | | Console configuration
CONSOLES | Misc | | Console Operation
COPY | Command | | Copy File(s)
CRONTAB.SYS | File | | Event control.
CTRL | Command | | Read / Write remote hardware control port
Topic ID | Type | | Description
DATE | Command | | Enquire / set system date
DEDHOST | Config | | WA8DED Emulation Interface
DEL | Command | | Delete File(s)
DF | Command | | Enquire Disk Free Space
DHCP | Protocol | | Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DHCP | Command | | Display DHCP-obtained IP configuration parameters
DIAL | Command | | Dial a PSTN connection
DIGIFLAG | Command | | Display / Set digipeat options
DIGIPORT | Command | | Display / Set port to digipeat on
DIR | Command | | Directory of Files
DISCARD | Server | |
DISCARD | Command | | Start a sink session
DNS | Server | |
DNS | Command | | DNS Configuration Commands
DOMAIN.SYS | File | | TCP/IP hostname resolution.
DOS | Command | | Enter DOS Mode
DUN | Misc | | Dial-Up Networking
DUN | Command | | Dial-Up Networking Commands
DX | Command | | Displays distant APRS stations
DYNDNS | Misc | | Dynamic DNS Update Client
DYNDNS.CFG | File | | Dynamic DNS Configuration file
ECHO | Server | |
ECHO | Command | | Start an Echo session
EDIT | Command | | Create / Edit a Text File
ENCAP.TXT | File | | IPENCAP routes.
ETHERNET | Config | | Ethernet Interfacing
EXEC.HTM | File | | Command template for HTTP server
EXIT | Command | | Exit PZTDOS Mode
EXTERNAL | Config | | EXTERNAL interface type
FEC | Command | | Control Forward Error Correction
FINGER | Server | |
FINGER | Command | | Display information about users
FTP | Server | |
FTP-CMDS | Command | | FTP Server Commands
FRACK | Command | | Display / Set FRACK for a port
FULLDUP | Command | | Display / Set full duplex mode
Topic ID | Type | | Description
GNET | Command | | Display / Set GNET parameters
GPING | Command | | Send GNET Echo Request
HELP | Misc | | HELP System
HELP | Command | | Displays help for commands and other topics
HELPWINS | Misc | | HELP Windows
HOST | Command | | Display information about a TCP/IP host
HTTP | Server | |
HTTP-PROXY | Server | | HTTP Proxy
HTTP.ACL | File | | HTTP Proxy Egress Control.
HTTP.SYS | File | | HTTP Rewrite / Proxy Control.
HTTPBAN.SYS | File | | HTTP URL block list.
IDPATH | Command | | Display / Set destination & digi path for ID beacons
IDTEXT | Command | | Display / Set ID beacon.
IFACE | Config | | Interfaces
IGATE | Daemon | | APRS Internet Gateway
IGATE.CFG | File | | APRS IGATE configuration.
INFO | Misc | | INFO System
INFO | Command | | Displays information about the node and other topics
INP3 | Protocol | | Internode Protocol
INSTALL | Config | | Installing (and upgrading) XRPi
IP-PRIMER | Misc | | IP Primer
IP-CODES | Misc | | IP Country Codes
IP-STACKS | Misc | | IP Stacks
IP | Command | | IP Routing Commands
IPACL | Command | | IP Access Control List Commands
IPADDRESS | Command | | Display / Set IP address(es)
IPCONFIG | Config | | IP Configuration
IPENCAP | Protocol | | Protocol
IPIP | Protocol | | Protocol
IPLINK | Command | | Display / Set Port IPLINK Address
IPROUTE | Command | | Display IP routing table
IPROUTE.SYS | File | | IP routes / configuration.
IPUDP | Protocol | | IP-within-UDP Encapsulation
Topic ID | Type | | Description
J | Command | | Displays recently connected stations
KILL | Command | | Terminate any session
KISS | Protocol | | KISS Protocol
KISSTCP | Protocol | | KISS over TCP Protocol
L2FRAG | Misc | | L2 Fragmentation
L3FRAG | Misc | | L3 Fragmentation
L3RTT | Protocol | | L3 Round Trip Time
LAN | Config | | LAN / WLAN Interfacing
LINKS | Command | | Displays the currently active level 2 sessions
LOADNODES | Command | | Load the nodes and routes tables from disk
LOG | Command | | Enable / disable activity logging
MAN | Command | | Display Online Sysop's Manual pages
MAXFRAME | Command | | Display / Set port MAXFRAME value
MAXHOPS | Config | | Set Hopcount Horizon
MAXTT | Config | | Set Maximum Trip Time
MD | Command | | Make Directory
MHCLEAR | Command | | Clear MHeard list
MHEARD | Misc | | Monitor Heard
MHEARD | Command | | "Monitor Heard"
MHFLAGS | Command | | Display / set port MHFLAGS
MINQUAL | Command | | Display / Set port minimum quality
MINTXQUAL | Command | | Display / Set minimum quality to transmit
MMASK | Command | | Select which protocol(s) to monitor (trace)
Modulo-128 | Protocol | |
MONITOR | Command | | Enable / disable traffic monitoring (tracing)
MOTD | Command | | Maintain "Message Of The Day"
MOVE | Command | | Move File(s)
MPORT | Command | | Select which port(s) to monitor (trace)
MTO | Command | | Monitor frames to/from specified destination.
Topic ID | Type | | Description
NAT | Misc | | Network Address Translation
NAT | Command | | Network Address Translation Commands
NDISXPKT | Driver | | The NdisXpkt Driver
NETMASK | Command | | Display / Set subnet mask
NODES | Command | | Display / Modify the Nodes table
NODESINT | Command | | Display / Set interval between nodes broadasts
NOTIFY | Command | | Enable/disable notifications on RLOGIN session
NPING | Command | | Send a Netrom echo request
NRR | Command | | Netrom Record Route
PACLEN | Command | | Display / Set global or port paclen values
PASSWORD.SYS | File | | Sysop passwords.
PERMLINKS | Misc | | Permanent Links
PERSIST | Command | | Display / Set the persist value for a port
PING | Command | | Send ICMP echo request(s)
PIPE | Command | | Display / configure Frame Pipes
PIPES | Misc | | Frame Pipes
PIPEFLAG | Command | | Control frame piping
PMS | Server | | Personal Mail Server (PMS)
PMS | Command | | Access the integral PMS
PORTS | Config | | Ports and configuration thereof
PORTS | Command | | List the available ports
PPP | Protocol | | Point to Point Protocol
PPP | Command | | Point to Point Protocol Configuration commands
PPPHOST.n | File | | PPP configuration files.
PPPLOG.TXT | File | | PPP activity log.
PROXIES | Misc | | Proxies
PSTN | Misc | | PSTN Connectivity
Topic ID | Type | | Description
QUALADJ | Config | | QUALADJUST -- NetRom Quality Manipulation
QUALITY | Command | | Display / Set default quality value for a port
QUIT | Command | | Disconnect from the router
REBOOT | Command | | Reboot machine (Obsolete)
REN | Command | | Rename File(s)
RESPTIME | Command | | Display / Set L2 delayed ack timer for port
RESTART | Command | | Re-start XRPi
RETRIES | Command | | Display / Set the retries parameter for a port
RHP | Protocol | | Remote Host Protocol
RIP | Protocol | | Routing Information Protocol
RIP | Command | | Routing Interface Protocol configuration commands
RLOGIN | Server | | Remote Login Server
RMDIR | Command | | Remove Directory
ROUTES | Command | | Add, Drop and List Neighbour Routes
ROWS | Config | | Set display height
RUNROOT | Misc | | Running as root (or not)
SAVENODES | Command | | Save the nodes and routes tables to disk
SCRIPT | Command | | Execute an XRPi command script
SCRIPTS | Command | | Dialler scripts
SEND | Command | | Send unproto text
SERVERS | Command | | XRPi Servers Overview
SHELL | Command | | Run a command or program in a DOS shell
SLIP | Protocol | | Serial Line Interface Protocol
SLOTTIME | Command | | Display / Set the slottime parameter for a port
SOCKS | Server | | Socks Proxy
SOCKS.ACL | File | | SOCKS proxy egress control.
SOUNDMODEM | Misc | | Interfacing with "soundmodem" software
START | Command | | Start a daemon process
STATS | Command | | Display router statistics
STEALTH | Misc | | TCP/IP Stealth Mode
STOP | Command | | Stop a daemon process / List active daemons
Topic ID | Type | | Description
TALK | Command | | Talk to a user
TCP | Command | | TCP status / configuration commands
TCP-IFACE | Config | | TCP Interface
TCP-PORTS | Misc | | TCP Server Ports
TDR | Misc | | Time Dependent Routing
TELGUEST.ACL | File | | Telnet "guest" mode egress control.
TELNET | Command | | Establish a TCP "connection"
TELPROXY | Server | | Telnet Proxy Server
TELPROXY.ACL | File | | Telnet proxy egress control.
TELPROXY.MSG | File | | Telnet proxy welcome message.
TIME | Command | | Enquire / Set System Time
TNC2 | Emulator | | TNC2 Emulator
TRACERT | Command | | Trace route to TCP/IP host
TSYNC | Command | | Synchronise Time using Internet Time Server
TTY | Interface | | TTY Interface
TTYLINK | Command | | Chat directly to another TCP/IP station
TXDELAY | Command | | Display / Set the transmit keyup delay for a port
TXOK | Command | | Display / Set "ok to tx" for a port
TXPORT | Command | | Control the port on which to TX
TXTAIL | Command | | Display / Set the transmit keydown delay
TYPE | Command | | Display Text File
UDP | Command | | UDP status and configuration commands
UDPLOCAL | Command | | Display / Set a port's UDPLOCAL parameter
UDPREMOTE | Command | | Display / Set a port's UDPREMOTE parameter
UNPROTO | Command | | Destination and digipeater calls for UI broadcasts
USERPASS.SYS | File | | User passwords.
USERS | Command | | Show who is using XRPi
VERSION | Command | | Display software version and author
WA8DED | Emulator | | WA8DED TNC Emulator
WX | Command | | Display APRS Weather Information.
XENCAP.TXT | File | | Amprnet Encapsulated Routing File.
XLINK | Command | | Establish a Temporary SLIP / PPP Interlink
XRNODES | File | | NetRom nodes / routes recovery file.
XROUTER.CFG | File | | XRPi Main Configuration File.
XRPIMON | Program | | XRPiMon Monitor Program
XWEB.CLASS | File | | Java client applet
YAM | Config | | YAM Modem Interface
YELL | Command | | Yell for sysop