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XRPi Documentation - Alpha Index

Alphabetic Index of Topics

(This list might not be complete)

Topic IDType Description
?Command Command List / Syntax Help
*.SCRFile   Dialler scripts.
< Command Execute an XRPi command script
!Command Run a command or program in a DOS shell
@Command Request / answer password challenge
*** Command Temporary Console Callsign Override
ACCESS.SYSFile TCP/IP access control.
AGWHOSTMisc AGW Application Support
AGW-IFACEInterface AGW Packet Engine Interface
AMSGCommand Enter APRS Messaging Mode
APPLSMisc Application Support
APRSServer About the APRS Server
APRSMisc APRS facilities in XRPi
ARPProtocol Address Resolution Protocol
ARPCommand Display / Edit ARP Table
ASYNCConfig ASYNC Interface
AUTOQUALMisc Automatic Route Quality
AXIPProtocol AX25 over IP Protocol
AXROUTESCommand Display AX25 level 2 circuits
AXSCTRLMisc TCP Access Control
AXTCPProtocol AX25 over TCP Protocol
AXUDPProtocol AX25 over UDP Protocol
BCASTMisc UI Broadcasting
BELLCommand Display / set console bell times
BOOTCMDS.SYSFile Boot up config commands.
BYECommand Disconnect
CAPSConfig Capability Flags
CAPTURECommand Enable / disable tracing to file.
CDCommand Change Directory
CFLAGSConfig Set Connection Control Flags.
CFLAGSCommand Display / Set Connection Control Flags.
CHATCommand Connect to chat server
CHATCMDSCommand Chat server commands
CMDCommand Add / Delete command aliases.
COLOURSConfig Console Colours
CONFIGConfig Configuring XRPi
CONNECTCommand Connect to another station
CONSOLEConfig Console configuration
CONSOLESMisc Console Operation
COPYCommand Copy File(s)
CRONTAB.SYSFile Event control.
CTRLCommand Read / Write remote hardware control port
Topic IDType Description
DATECommand Enquire / set system date
DEDHOSTConfig WA8DED Emulation Interface
DELCommand Delete File(s)
DFCommand Enquire Disk Free Space
DHCPProtocol Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DHCPCommand Display DHCP-obtained IP configuration parameters
DIALCommand Dial a PSTN connection
DIGIFLAGCommand Display / Set digipeat options
DIGIPORTCommand Display / Set port to digipeat on
DIRCommand Directory of Files
DISCARDCommand Start a sink session
DNSCommand DNS Configuration Commands
DOMAIN.SYSFile TCP/IP hostname resolution.
DOSCommand Enter DOS Mode
DUNMisc Dial-Up Networking
DUNCommand Dial-Up Networking Commands
DXCommand Displays distant APRS stations
DYNDNSMisc Dynamic DNS Update Client
DYNDNS.CFGFile Dynamic DNS Configuration file
ECHOCommand Start an Echo session
EDITCommand Create / Edit a Text File
ETHERNETConfig Ethernet Interfacing
EXEC.HTMFile Command template for HTTP server
EXITCommand Exit PZTDOS Mode
EXTERNALConfig EXTERNAL interface type
FECCommand Control Forward Error Correction
FINGERCommand Display information about users
FTP-CMDSCommand FTP Server Commands
FRACKCommand Display / Set FRACK for a port
FULLDUPCommand Display / Set full duplex mode
Topic IDType Description
GNETCommand Display / Set GNET parameters
GPINGCommand Send GNET Echo Request
HELPMisc HELP System
HELPCommand Displays help for commands and other topics
HOSTCommand Display information about a TCP/IP host
HTTP.ACLFile HTTP Proxy Egress Control.
HTTP.SYSFile HTTP Rewrite / Proxy Control.
HTTPBAN.SYSFile HTTP URL block list.
IDPATH Command Display / Set destination & digi path for ID beacons
IDTEXT Command Display / Set ID beacon.
IFACEConfig Interfaces
IGATEDaemon APRS Internet Gateway
IGATE.CFGFile APRS IGATE configuration.
INFOMisc INFO System
INFOCommand Displays information about the node and other topics
INP3Protocol Internode Protocol
INSTALLConfig Installing (and upgrading) XRPi
IP-CODESMisc IP Country Codes
IPCommand IP Routing Commands
IPACLCommand IP Access Control List Commands
IPADDRESS Command Display / Set IP address(es)
IPCONFIG Config IP Configuration
IPENCAPProtocol Protocol
IPIPProtocol Protocol
IPLINKCommand Display / Set Port IPLINK Address
IPROUTECommand Display IP routing table
IPROUTE.SYSFile IP routes / configuration.
IPUDPProtocol IP-within-UDP Encapsulation
Topic IDType Description
JCommand Displays recently connected stations
KILLCommand Terminate any session
KISSProtocol KISS Protocol
KISSTCPProtocol KISS over TCP Protocol
L2FRAGMisc L2 Fragmentation
L3FRAGMisc L3 Fragmentation
L3RTTProtocol L3 Round Trip Time
LANConfig LAN / WLAN Interfacing
LINKSCommand Displays the currently active level 2 sessions
LOADNODESCommand Load the nodes and routes tables from disk
LOGCommand Enable / disable activity logging
MANCommand Display Online Sysop's Manual pages
MAXFRAMECommand Display / Set port MAXFRAME value
MAXHOPSConfig Set Hopcount Horizon
MAXTTConfig Set Maximum Trip Time
MDCommand Make Directory
MHCLEARCommand Clear MHeard list
MHEARDMisc Monitor Heard
MHEARDCommand "Monitor Heard"
MHFLAGS Command Display / set port MHFLAGS
MINQUALCommand Display / Set port minimum quality
MINTXQUALCommand Display / Set minimum quality to transmit
MMASKCommand Select which protocol(s) to monitor (trace)
MONITORCommand Enable / disable traffic monitoring (tracing)
MOTDCommand Maintain "Message Of The Day"
MOVECommand Move File(s)
MPORTCommand Select which port(s) to monitor (trace)
MTOCommand Monitor frames to/from specified destination.
Topic IDType Description
NATMisc Network Address Translation
NATCommand Network Address Translation Commands
NDISXPKTDriver The NdisXpkt Driver
NETMASK Command Display / Set subnet mask
NODESCommand Display / Modify the Nodes table
NODESINT Command Display / Set interval between nodes broadasts
NOTIFYCommand Enable/disable notifications on RLOGIN session
NPINGCommand Send a Netrom echo request
NRRCommand Netrom Record Route
PACLENCommand Display / Set global or port paclen values
PASSWORD.SYSFile Sysop passwords.
PERMLINKSMisc Permanent Links
PERSISTCommand Display / Set the persist value for a port
PINGCommand Send ICMP echo request(s)
PIPE Command Display / configure Frame Pipes
PIPESMisc Frame Pipes
PIPEFLAG Command Control frame piping
PMSServer Personal Mail Server (PMS)
PMSCommand Access the integral PMS
PORTSConfig Ports and configuration thereof
PORTSCommand List the available ports
PPPProtocol Point to Point Protocol
PPPCommand Point to Point Protocol Configuration commands
PPPHOST.nFile PPP configuration files.
PPPLOG.TXTFile PPP activity log.
PROXIESMisc Proxies
PSTNMisc PSTN Connectivity
Topic IDType Description
QUALADJConfig QUALADJUST -- NetRom Quality Manipulation
QUALITYCommand Display / Set default quality value for a port
QUITCommand Disconnect from the router
REBOOTCommand Reboot machine (Obsolete)
RENCommand Rename File(s)
RESPTIMECommand Display / Set L2 delayed ack timer for port
RESTARTCommand Re-start XRPi
RETRIESCommand Display / Set the retries parameter for a port
RHPProtocol Remote Host Protocol
RIPProtocol Routing Information Protocol
RIPCommand Routing Interface Protocol configuration commands
RLOGINServer Remote Login Server
RMDIRCommand Remove Directory
ROUTESCommand Add, Drop and List Neighbour Routes
ROWSConfig Set display height
RUNROOTMisc Running as root (or not)
SAVENODESCommand Save the nodes and routes tables to disk
SCRIPTCommand Execute an XRPi command script
SCRIPTSCommand Dialler scripts
SENDCommand Send unproto text
SERVERSCommand XRPi Servers Overview
SHELLCommand Run a command or program in a DOS shell
SLIPProtocol Serial Line Interface Protocol
SLOTTIMECommand Display / Set the slottime parameter for a port
SOCKSServer Socks Proxy
SOCKS.ACLFile SOCKS proxy egress control.
SOUNDMODEMMisc Interfacing with "soundmodem" software
STARTCommand Start a daemon process
STATSCommand Display router statistics
STEALTHMisc TCP/IP Stealth Mode
STOPCommand Stop a daemon process / List active daemons
Topic IDType Description
TALKCommand Talk to a user
TCPCommand TCP status / configuration commands
TCP-IFACEConfig TCP Interface
TCP-PORTSMisc TCP Server Ports
TDRMisc Time Dependent Routing
TELGUEST.ACLFile Telnet "guest" mode egress control.
TELNETCommand Establish a TCP "connection"
TELPROXYServer Telnet Proxy Server
TELPROXY.ACLFile Telnet proxy egress control.
TELPROXY.MSGFile Telnet proxy welcome message.
TIMECommand Enquire / Set System Time
TNC2Emulator TNC2 Emulator
TRACERTCommand Trace route to TCP/IP host
TSYNCCommand Synchronise Time using Internet Time Server
TTYInterface TTY Interface
TTYLINKCommand Chat directly to another TCP/IP station
TXDELAYCommand Display / Set the transmit keyup delay for a port
TXOKCommand Display / Set "ok to tx" for a port
TXPORT Command Control the port on which to TX
TXTAILCommand Display / Set the transmit keydown delay
TYPECommand Display Text File
UDPCommand UDP status and configuration commands
UDPLOCALCommand Display / Set a port's UDPLOCAL parameter
UDPREMOTECommand Display / Set a port's UDPREMOTE parameter
UNPROTO Command Destination and digipeater calls for UI broadcasts
USERPASS.SYSFile User passwords.
USERSCommand Show who is using XRPi
VERSIONCommand Display software version and author
WA8DEDEmulator WA8DED TNC Emulator
WXCommand Display APRS Weather Information.
XENCAP.TXTFile Amprnet Encapsulated Routing File.
XLINKCommand Establish a Temporary SLIP / PPP Interlink
XRNODESFile NetRom nodes / routes recovery file.
XROUTER.CFGFile XRPi Main Configuration File.
XRPIMONProgram XRPiMon Monitor Program
XWEB.CLASSFile Java client applet
YAMConfig YAM Modem Interface
YELLCommand Yell for sysop