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ROUTES -- Add, Drop and List Neighbour Routes.


R[outes] [* | Q | X | Y | Z]
R[OUTES] ADD  <call> <port> <qual> [!] [V digis] [opts]
R[OUTES] DROP <call> <port>


The ROUTES command, which may be abbreviated to "R", lists the immediately adjacent NetRom nodes, i.e. those who can be heard directly, providing those nodes are making NetRom nodes broadcasts.

For each neighbour node the display shows the port number, the neighbour's callsign, the route quality, and the number of nodes accessible through that neighbour. A chevron (>) in the left-most column indicates a route which is in use, and an exclamation mark (!) in the right-most column indicates that the data has been "locked in" by the sysop. For example:

        G8PZT:KIDDER} Routes:
        Port Callsign  Qty Nod
        >  5 G4FPV     150  70!
        >  7 GB7PZT    250   1!
        >  8 GB7WV-12  100  32!
        >  9 GB7GH     150 104!
          10 GB7CL     150   1!
        > 11 GB7IPT-7  150   3!
          12 G1LOA-10  150   2!


If no arguments are supplied, the output is as above.

If any argument is supplied, it will give additional information mainly of interest to sysops.

        R *  - Display additional detail (see below)
        R Q  - Display calculated qualities
        R X  - Display details of retry rates
        R Y  - Display trip times, and settings for temporal metrics
        R Z  - Display Connection percentage & data throughputs.


"R *" displays the current MAXFRAME, FRACK and PACLEN settings, the number of information frames sent, the number of information frames re-sent, the retry rate, which is the ratio of the two preceeding figures (or * if both are zero), and the time a nodes broadcast was last heard from the neighbour.

"R Q" displays the calculated route qualities. These are based on measurements of actual link performance, and are independent of qualities specified by sysops. They are intended as a guide to help sysops make an informed choice for link quality. The values shown are the smoothed calculated quality, the minimum and maximum calculated qualities, and the standard deviation of the mean.

"R X" displays extended information about the retry rates to each neighbour. The values shown are the number of frames sent and re-sent, and the long-term average retry rate which is the ratio of the two preceeding figures (or * if both are zero). Also shown is a "running average" retry rate, which is more responsive to short-term variations (e.g. due to QRM on a link), the maximum value attained by that average, and the date/time when that maximum was attained. This often reveals links with low mean retry rates that have some surprising short term highs.

"R Y" displays information and settings concerned with temporal metrics, i.e those based on trip time. The displayed values are as follows:

	Tdr    - Nodes learned from neighbour via temporal metrics.
	Stt    - Smoothed Trip Time to the neighbour.
	Flg    - Flags, the sum of the following:

                 1 - Route locked in by sysop.
                 2 - Neighbour is INP3 compatible.
                 4 - Neighbour responds to our L3RTT probes.
                 8 - Neighbour is XRouter / XRPi.
                 16 - Automatic route quality enabled.

	MaxTT  - Max Trip Time allowed via this route.
	MaxHop - Max Hop count allowed via this route.

The final figure is the neighbour's MaxTT setting, which may differ from ours.

"R Z" displays information about connection percentage and data throughputs:

	Con%  - Percentage of time that link has been connected.
	Peak  - Max throughput including resends
	Best  - Best mean throughput achieved, excluding resends
	Mean  - Running mean throughput in bytes/sec.
	Load  - Long term average throughput (TX+RX) in bytes/sec.
	Last  - Last date/time that any traffic used this route.

"ROUTE ADD" adds a new route or modifies an existing one. The syntax is as follows:

R[OUTE] ADD  <call> <port> <qual> [!] [V digis] [opts]

<call> is the callsign of the neighbour node.

<port> is the radio port via which the neighbour is reached.

<qual> is the netrom "quality" to use for that route. A quality between 256 and 511 will instruct XRPi to use "automatic" quality, with a starting value of (qual-256).

[!] locks the entry to prevent it being overridden by learned information.

[V digis] specifies a digipeated route, where "digis" is a string of digipeater calls seperated by commas, i.e. in the form "DIGI,DIGI,DIGI".

[opts] are optional maxframe, frack, paclen, maxtt and maxhops values to override the port defaults. The format is:

[maxframe [frack [paclen [maxtt [maxhops]]]]]
i.e. in order to specify maxtt you must also specify maxframe, frack and paclen Use zero in any field you don't wish to change.

"ROUTE DROP <call> <port>" deletes an existing route.


route add g8pzt 5 100
route add g6yak 2 100 ! V G8EPR,G8NTU 5 7000
route add g8klm 3 150 ! 0 0 245 2000 3
route drop mb7uyl 14


The ROUTES command is available to all users, but the ADD and DROP options are sysop-only.

See also

AUTOQUAL(9) -- Automatic Route Quality
NODES(1) -- Display Nodes Tables.
PERMLINKS(9) -- Permanent NetRom Neighbour Links.