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PIPEFLAG -- Display / Set piping options.


PIPEF[lag] <port> [0-255]




The PIPEFLAG command is used to display and/or set the PIPE options for a specified port. These flags are only used when piping is active, and they control which frames are piped.

New settings override those read from the XROUTER.CFG file, and remain in force until changed, or the system is restarted.

The minimum abbreviation of this command is PIPEF.


The argument is the sum of the required options from this list:

	1    - UI frames *not* addressed to nodecall/alias.
	2    - Non-UI frames *not* addressed to nodecall/alias.
	4    - UI frames addressed to nodecall/alias.
	8    - Non-UI frames addressed to nodecall/alias.
	16   - UI frames transmitted by XRPi.
	32   - Non-UI frames transmitted by XRPi.
	64   - Allow budlisted users to be piped.
	128  - Netrom frames
	256  - IP / ARP frames
	512  - Bi-directional piping

The default is 3 (pipe UI and non-UI frames not addressed to Nodecall or Nodealias).


PIPEF 3      - Enquire current PIPEFLAG setting for port 3.
PIPEF 4 5    - On port 4, pipe received UI frames only.

See also

PIPE(2) -- Display / Set Frame pipe.
PIPES(9) -- About "Frame Pipes".
XROUTER.CFG(8) -- Main Configuration File.