The MHEARD facility lists recently heard stations, and may be
enabled or disabled for any port. It records callsigns in
reverse order of reception, with the most recent at the top of
the list, along with other useful information, such as the
date/time, position, type, and the number of frames heard.
This allows sysops and users alike to discover who else the
node can hear, to aid the search for suitable digipeaters, and
to diagnose problems.
Even on linking-only ports, where there is only usually one
partner, it provides a useful indication when the frequency
is being encroached upon, either by deliberate squatting,
unauthorised attempts to link, or lift conditions.
It is therefore recommended that you enable MHEARD on all
ports, and indeed this is the default. The ability to disable
MHEARD (to save memory) was necessary in DOS XRouter, but
memory is not an issue in XRPi.
If you have set your LOCATOR, or have included an APRS-style
position report in your ID beacon, XRPi will know its own
position and will display position, distance and bearing for
any stations which broadcast APRS positions. This is a great
aid to network mapping, and it would be nice if everyone were
to add APRS positions to their ID beacons.
If a station was heard via a digipeater, the digipeater call
is also shown, and the letter "D" is shown in the "type"
field. If the heard station is a node, the letter "N" is
displayed. If it is sending IP traffic, "I" is shown, and if
it is sending ARP traffic, "A" is shown.
Within XROUTER.CFG, the "MHEARD=n" directive is used in each
PORT definition block to enable or disable the MHEARD facility
and to set the size of the list. For example "MHEARD=50",
enables it and sets the table size to record a maximum of 50
callsigns. If the directive is omitted, the default size is
15 callsigns.
You can control which types of station are recorded in the MH
list using the "MHFLAGS=n" directive. The default value for n
is 255 (show everything), and the number is formed by adding
the numbers representing the desired options as follows:
1 Show directly heard stations
2 Show directly heard digipeaters
4 Show digipeated stations
For example "MHFLAGS=3" would show directly heard stations and
digipeaters, but not the stations heard via digipeaters.
The MHEARD list is available to sysops and users alike, using
the MH command (see command reference section).
A port's mheard list may be cleared by using the
"MHCLEAR <port-number>" command. You may clear all MH lists
by specifying port 0.