MHEARD -- List recently heard stations.
MH <portnum>
The MHEARD command is available to all users.
If the facility is enabled on the specified port, the MHEARD
command lists the most recently heard stations on that port,
along with the date / time of reception, the number of frames
heard, and various other information (see below).
This is useful for users to discover who else the router can
hear, to aid the search for suitable digipeaters, and to
diagnose problems. Even on linking-only ports, where there is
only usually one partner, it provides a useful indication when
the frequency is being encroached, either by deliberate
squatting, unauthorised attempts to link, or lift conditions.
The command may be abbreviated to "MH".
MH 3 gives a heard list for port 3....
G8PZT:KIDDER} Heard list for port 3:
Callsign Date Time Frames Via Type Position Dist Dir
G1LOA-10 09/06 13:42 309 DNIA 5221.51N... 13 24
G3TQG-2 09/06 13:19 599 D
GB7PZT-15 09/06 13:18 708
DY25 09/06 10:19 4 GB7DY-1 N
Date - Date when this callsign was last heard.
Time - Time when this callsign was last heard.
Frames - Total no. of frames heard from this callsign.
Via - Digipeater relaying this station, direct if blank.
Type - Flags as follows:
D - This station is a digipeater
N - This station is a node
I - This station handles IP traffic
A - This station handles ARP traffic
Position - Position derived from APRS broadcast
Dist - Distance calculated from APRS broadcast
Dir - Bearing in degrees, calculated from APRS broadcast
For each port, the MH facility can be enabled / disabled and
the maximum length of the list specified by appropriate
entries in the PORT sections of the XROUTER.CFG file,
for example:
"MHEARD=15" - Sets MH list size 15
"MHEARD=0" - Disables MH list
See also
MHEARD(9) -- "Monitor Heard".
XROUTER.CFG(8) -- Main Configuration File.