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IP Stacks


IP-STACKS -- TCP/IP Stacks in XRPi.


A TCP/IP "stack" is a set of protocols layered on top of each other, such that each layer usually talks to the layer immediately above or below it. There is no lateral communication within layers.

At the top of the stack is the "Application Layer", where humans and applications interact with the stack. At the bottom is the "Physical Layer", where the PC interfaces to the outside world, via Network Interface Cards (NIC's), sound cards, COM ports etc.

The following diagram is a greatly simplified version of XRPi's TCP/IP stack. Some components have been omitted for clarity, and to save space.

          |                 Application Layer                  |
          | TELNET | FTP | HTTP | etc.. | DNS | RIP | PING etc.|
          |             TCP             |    UDP    |   ICMP   |
          |                      IP                            |
          |               ARP                    |      |      |
          |------------.-------------------------|      |      |
          |            |       Ax25              | SLIP | PPP  |
          | Ethernet   |------------------.------|      |      |
          |            |      AGWPE       | KISS |      |      |
          |     NIC    | SOUNDCARD |        COM PORTS          |
          |                  (Physical Layer)                  |
Fig.1 - XRPi's TCP/IP Stack

To illustrate the workings of a TCP/IP stack, imagine that the application initiates a TELNET connection. It can be seen from Fig.1 that in order to reach the outside world, TELNET uses TCP, which in turn uses IP. From that point downwards there are several choices, depending on the destination address, the IP routing tables, and the hardware interfaces that have been defined in XROUTER.CFG.

If the destination is an Internet site, the data may pass down through ARP and Ethernet, to emerge from the NIC onto the LAN, thence to the Internet router and the Internet.

If however the destination was a local Ham Radio TCP/IP hub, the data might pass from IP down through ARP and AX25, then it would either go via KISS and a COM port to a TNC, or via AGW Packet Engine and a sound card, thence to the radio.

Alternatively the destination may be another PC, linked via COM ports. In this case, the data would pass from IP down through SLIP or PPP to the COM port.

Two Stacks

Although XRPi has its own TCP/IP stack, Linux has a much larger and more comprehensive stack of its own. The two are independent of each other, and different to each other...


XRPi's stack originated in the 1990's, when XRouter ran on DOS. There was no TCP/IP stack in DOS, so XRouter evolved as a way to provide one, both for Internet and for TCP/IP-over-radio.

Because of this, XRouter's stack was multi-homed. i.e. it could exist on several networks at the same time, with different IP addresses on each network. For example it may be simultaneously using the IP address for radio links, for Ethernet, and on a SLIP link.

Many years later, when XRouter was ported to Windows and became XR32, Windows by now had a comprehensive TCP/IP stack of its own. Consequently, some of the functionality provided by XR32's stack could be provided equally well by the Windows stack.

But not all of it. Windows could not provide any AX25 services, and it was almost impossible to set up and use Windows TCP/IP via packet radio RF links.

So XR32 was able to make use of Windows' TCP/IP stack for Internet operations, whilst using its own stack for TCP/IP over radio. Or it could be configured to ignore Windows' stack and do everything via its own stack. Or a mixture of the two, as specified by the sysop.

XR32 was later ported to Linux to become XRPi. But Linux already has a very powerful networking stack which includes AX25, so some might question the need for XRPi to have a stack, or even to exist at all!

The point is, XRPi is an experiment in amateur networking. New ideas can be quickly tried out without breaking the Linux stack, or going through a long-winded process to get the code incorporated into the Linux kernal. Ideas that don't succeed can easily be discarded, and no kernals are harmed in the attempt.

XRPi can do many things that the Linux stack cannot, all in one simple package. The sysop has full control over which TCP/IP services use which stack.

At the application layer, XRPi can use either or both TCP/IP stacks, as shown in the simplified diagrams below:

                |           XRPi Application Layer        |
                |    XRPi IP Stack   |  Linux IP stack    |
                |    |     |
Fig.2 - XRPi Using Both Stacks

Figure 2 shows the application layer sitting astride both stacks. For example, the FTP server might be available on both kernal and XRPi IP addresses, either with the same or different TCP port numbers.

Or you might wish to restrict the FTP server to the Linux stack, firewalled from the outside world, whilst the Telnet server sits on the XRPi stack, port-forwarded from the outside world. The possibilities are endless, and up to you.

                | XRPi Appl. Layer   |
                |    XRPi IP Stack   |  Linux IP stack    |
                |    |     |
Fig.3 - XRPi Using Own Stack

Figure 3 shows XRPi's application layer sitting wholly astride its own TCP/IP stack, such that it makes no use of the Linux stack at all.

                                     | XRPi Appl. Layer   |
                |    XRPi IP Stack   |  Linux IP stack    |
                |    |     |
Fig.4 - XRPi Using Linux Stack

Conversely all of XRPi's applications (FTP, HTTP, Telnet etc.) could use only the Linux stack, as shown in figure 4. In this case it wouldn't even be necessary to give XRPi an IP address.

At the physical layer, XRPi's TCP/IP stack shares the Ethernet and WiFi adaptors with Linux, whilst using its own IP addresses. This is shown in the simplified diagram below (which omits KISS etc. for clarity):

                |    XRPi IP Stack   |  Linux IP stack    |
                |    |     |
                |          Ethernet / WiFi Adaptors       |
Fig.5 - IP Stacks Sharing Physical Resources

To Root or Not to Root?

In order to directly share the physical resources, XRPi either needs root privileges, or it needs to be given permission to access raw network resources.

Running as root is more convenient in that it allows XRPi to open any TCP or UDP port on the Linux stack, but some may consider it to be a security risk.

For example in the unlikely event that someone breaks out of XRPi to a command line, they could have access to the whole machine. Nevertheless, XRPi has been in use for several years in this mode without incident.

Running XRPi as a non-root user is safer. Even if a miscreant managed to break out to a command line, he would only have access to that user's directory tree.

The downside of non-root is that Linux would not allow XRPi to open TCP/UDP port numbers below 1024 on the Linux stack. So for example you could not run FTP servers at port 21 on both stacks. There would be no restriction on the XRPi stack, but the port number on the Linux stack would have to be greater than 1023.

But that is a small price to pay for the added security.

If you run XRPi as shown in figure 4, it needs no special privileges at all. But you will not be able to trace much of the traffic, and some facilities will be unavaliable.

Which Stack to Use?

The choice of how your TCP/IP packets are routed, and which stack your services appear on, is entirely under your control. It could have been automated, but that would have deprived you of choice.

If you haven't defined an Ethernet or Wlan port, and you haven't defined any RF, SLIP or PPP routing, TCP/IP traffic will use the Linux stack. If you are not running XRPi from a root account, and have not set the correct capability flags on the program, some services such as PING AXIP, IPIP and TELNET won't be available, and your server ports may be restricted to service numbers 1024 and above.

If you have defined an Ethernet or Wlan port, all TCP/IP traffic (except to localhost) will try to route via XRPi's own stack, and all servers are on that stack unless the defaults are overidden.

The way to force traffic via the Linux stack is to use IP ROUTE entries with mode "k" (kernal) instead of "d". Anything not caught by a "k" entry will then be routed via XRPi's stack.

See also

IP(2) -- IP Configuration Commands.
IPROUTE.SYS(9) -- IP Configuration & Routing File.
IP-PRIMER(9) -- IP Primer.
NDISXPKT(9) -- NdisXpkt Driver.