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XRPi Documentation - Configuration

Capability Flags


CAPS -- Capability Flags.


Starting with kernel 2.2, Linux divides the privileges traditionally associated with super-user into distinct units, known as "capabilities", which can be independently enabled and disabled.

This allows non-privileged processes to be granted certain enhanced permissions without having to run the process as a privileged user.

If XRPi is "run as root", i.e. it is started from a terminal which has "root" (super-user) privileges, it needs no further permissions.

Otherwise, it will need CAP_NET_RAW capability in order to use TCP/IP via the LAN, WiFi or localhost. And it will need CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE if you wish to open any "service ports" on the linux TCP/IP stack whose numbers are below 1024.

Note: You do NOT need either of these capabilites for TCP/IP via serial ports, e.g. SLIP, KISS, AX25, PPP etc. You only need them for TCP/IP via LAN or WLAN.

Program capabilities are changed using the Linux "setcap" command in a termnal window. Only a privileged user can confer privileges, so you must be root, or you must use "sudo".

Once you have set XRPi's capability flags, you don't need to do it again unless you change the executable.


Checking the capabilities:

 getcap xrpi

Setting only the CAP_BET_BIND_SERVICE capability:

 sudo setcap cap_net_bind_service=pe xrpi

Setting only the CAP_NET_RAW capability:

 sudo setcap cap_net_raw=pe xrpi

Setting both capabilities:

 sudo setcap cap_net_raw,cap_net_bind_service=pe xrpi


Running XRPi with super-user privileges is easier and more convenient than running it as an unprivileged user. But technically it is more of a security risk. See this page for more discussion about the pros and cons of running as root.

See also

IP-STACKS -- IP Stacks in XRPi.
TCP Ports -- TCP Server Ports.
LAN -- LAN Interfacing.
RUNROOT -- To Root or Not to Root?
XROUTER.CFG(8) -- Main Configuration File.