The UDP command currently accepts only the STATUS sub-command,
which displays the active UDP sockets and their status.
The display looks like this:
Sent=55 Rcvd=5123 RcvBdcasts=0 ChksumErr=0 NoSocket=56
UDP Sockets:
Sock# Local_address Rxq
73fb0008 53 0
(End of list)
"Sent" is the number of UDP frames sent by Xrouter.
"Rcvd" is the number of UDP frames received.
"RcvdBdcasts" is the number of UDP frames received on the
subnet broadcast address.
"ChecksumErr" is the number of UDP frames received with
checksum errors.
"NoSocket" is the number of UDP frames received for which
there was no receive socket.
"Sock#" is the unique socket identifier.
"Local_address" shows the local IP address and UDP service
port number of the socket.
"Rxq" shows the number of received frames waiting to be