Each entry is specified on a seperate line. Empty lines,
and lines beginning with '#' or ';' are ignored.
Entries have the following format:
<min> <hour> <date> <month> <day> <command> [args]
0-59 0-23 1-31 1-12 0-6
Fields must be seperated by one or more spaces or tabs.
<command> is executed if <min> <hour> and <month> match
the current time, and either the <date> (day of month)
or <day> (of week) match. [args] specifies the command's
Dates / times may be specified as single numbers, multiple
numbers, ranges, or a mixture thereof, e.g. "0-5,7,9,15-22".
Note there must be no spaces within the string of characters.
Use '*' in any of the first 5 fields to signify "all".