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XRPi Documentation - Sysop Commands
PERSIST -- Display / Set the persist value for a port.
PER[SIST] <port> [0-255]
The PERSIST command is used to display and set the PERSIST
value for a port. This is the "probability to transmit", used
as part of the CSMA channel access procedure. A low value is
used when there are several stations sharing the channel,
giving each a fair chance to transmit. A high value is used
when the channel isn't shared. The optimum setting is 256/n
where n is the number of station sharing the channel.
If the command is used with a single numeric argument, the
current setting for that port number is displayed.
If two arguments are supplied, the PERSIST value for the port
specified by the first is set to the value of the second. The
new setting remains in force until changed again or until the
router is restarted, in which case the value specified in the
XROUTER.CFG file will apply.
PERSIST 5 - Display current PERSIST value for port 5
PERSIST 5 64 - Set port 5 PERSIST to 64
On KISS ports, you should allow up to 5 minutes for a new
setting to become active.
The PERSIST command is available only to sysops.
See also
SLOTTIME(2) -- CSMA interval timer