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![]() XRPi Documentation - ProtocolsKISSProtocol DetailsKISS is a simple protocol which encapsulates AX25 frames for transmission over serial (e.g. RS232) lines. The framing method is identical to SLIP. There is no flow control or error handling in the original protocol. The protocol specifies the following special characters: Name Hex Dec Purpose --------------------------- FEND 0xC0 192 Frame End FESC 0xDB 219 Frame Escape TFEND 0xDC 220 Transposed FEND TFESC 0xDD 221 Transposed FESC The FEND characters mark the start and end of the frame containing the encapsulated datagram as follows: .------.------.-------.------. | FEND | Type | Data | FEND | '------'------'-------'------' In order to ensure that the FEND character only occurs at the start and end of the frame, FENDs which occur within the unencapsulated data are "escaped" to the two byte sequence FESC TFEND. Likewise FESC is escaped to the sequence FESC TFESC. It is permissible (but not obligatorry) for two frames to share a FEND: .------.------.-------.------.------.-------.------. | FEND | Type | Data | FEND | Type | Data | FEND | '------'------'-------'------'------'-------'------' The first byte of each frame, after the FEND, is a "type" indicator. This byte is broken into two 4-bit nibbles such that the low-order nibble indicates the command number (given in the table below) and the high-order nibble indicates the port number for that particular command. In systems with only one HDLC port, it is by definition Port 0. In multi-port TNCs, the upper 4 bits of the type indicator byte can specify one of up to sixteen ports. The following commands are defined: Command Function Comments -------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Data frame The rest of the frame is data received from / to be sent to the HDLC channel. 1 TXDELAY The next byte is the transmitter keyup delay in 10 ms units. The default start-up value is 50 (i.e. 500 ms). 2 PERSIST The next byte is the persistence parameter, p, scaled to the range 0-255 with the following formula: P=p*256-1 The default value is P=63 (i.e. p=0.25). 3 SLOTTIME The next byte is the slot interval in 10 ms units. The default is 10 (i.e. 100ms). 4 TXTAIL The next byte is the time to hold up the TX after the FCS has been sent, in 10 ms units. This command is obsolete, and is included here only for compatibility with some existing implementations. 5 FULLDUP The next byte is 0 for half-duplex, nonzero for full-duplex. The default is 0 (i.e. half-duplex). 6 SetH/w Specific for each TNC. In the TNC-1, this command sets the modem speed. Other implementations may use this function for other hardware-specific functions. 255 Return Exit KISS and return control to a higher level program. This is useful only when KISS is incorporated into the TNC along with other applications. -------------------------------------------------------------- Only command 0 is allowed in frames from TNC to host. Commands 1 to 6 are used to set TNC parameters, and are usually sent at 5 minute intervals. Limitations of Plain KISSIn the original protocol, there is no error detection to protect against noise and corruption on the RS232 lines. More seriously, the host has no way of knowing how much data is queued in the TNC awaiting transmission. A busy channel could prevent the TNC from transmitting, causing the host's FRACK timer to repeat frames, which simply add to the queue. When the channel clears, the original frame and all the
repeats are spewed out in one huge transmission, causing the
other end of the link to respond with a string of acks. In bad
cases, the AX25 module retries out, so when the channel
clears, the original frame, plus repeats, plus a string of
KISS With ChecksumChecksum-KISS appends a single byte checksum to the "data" portion of the frame, to detect line errors. Frames that fail the checksum test are silently discarded. The upper layer eventually detects the loss and re-sends the frame. KISS With AcknowledgementWhen operating in this mode, the host attaches a 16-bit "serial number" to each frame (between the "type" and "data" fields), and the TNC sends an "acknowledgement" frame to the host when it has transmitted that frame on-air. This enables the host to know how much data is queued, and to start its AX25 timers at the correct time. This mode uses the command code of 12 for both data frames and the acknowledgements. Polled KissIn this mode, the TNC does not send any data to the host until it is asked to do so by a POLL command (command number 14). This allows several TNC's to be multiplexed together (usually with a diode matrix) onto one COM port, which removes the need for one COM port per TNC. Up to 16 TNC's can be multiplexed onto one COM port. Each TNC must have a different "address", i.e. in the upper nybble of the Type field. Dial-Up KISSA temporary KISS connection may be established over an XRPi dial-up link using the MODE command in the DUN script. This is only likely to be of use where phone calls are free! KISS Over TCP/IPKISS normally runs over RS232 lines, but can also be run over a TCP link. The other end of the link could be located on the same machine, or on the opposite side of the world. You could for example use this to link two applications on a single machine, or to make a remote-sited multi-port node appear as one or more ports on XRPi. For more about KISS over TCP, please refer to the KISSTCP page. Configuring a KISS LinkKISS can be used to link XRPi with KISS TNC's, or with other KISS systems via real or virtual COM ports. A typical configuration in XROUTER.CFG would be as follows: INTERFACE=1 TYPE=ASYNC <-- Serial RS232 COM=/dev/ttyUSB1 <-- RS232 device PROTOCOL=KISS <-- Use KISS SPEED=38400 <-- Baud rate FLOW=0 <-- No flow control MTU=256 <-- See below KISSOPTIONS=NONE <-- Plain KISS ENDINTERFACE MTU specifies the largest size for the data portion of an AX25 frame, and the largest IP datagram that can be handled. This should be set to 256 for KISS TNC's because they usually have small packet buffers. For KISS links not using TNC's, MTU may be set larger, up to 1500. KISSOPTIONS are as follows: NONE - Plain KISS (most TNC's use this) (default) POLLED - For TNCs which send only when polled. CHECKSUM - Packets protected by checksum. You can only use this option if your TNC supports it. ACKMODE - For TNC's which inform XRPi when a frame has been transmitted on air. SLAVE - XRPi will act like a polled KISS TNC, sending only when commanded to do so. Polled and slave are mutually exclusive. BPQKISS eproms require POLLED and CHECKSUM, and their use of ackmode is optional. The PORT is configured like this: PORT=3 ID=144.675MHz User Port INTERFACENUM=1 CHANNEL=B ENDPORT CHANNEL is only required if the TNC is not using its default channel / port. Serial Line ParametersSerial lines used for KISS must run at 8 data bits. Flow control must be hardware or none, as XON/XOFF flow control would interfere with the protocol. If flow control is used, the cable must contain at least 5 cores, namely TXD, RXD, RTS, CTS and GND. If flow control is not used, only TXD, RXD and GND are required. When KISS is used to connect a PC to a TNC, a "straight through" cable is used, because a TNC is considered a DTE (Data Terminal Equipment). When KISS is used to interconnect two applications, some form of NULL MODEM is required. In the case of "real" RS232 this could be an actual null modem device, or a cable that is wired such that the TXDs at each end go to the RXDs at the other end, and the RTSs at each end go to the CTSs at the other. "Virtual" COM port pairs include this functionality as standard. KISS TNC'sMost TNC's can be switched into KISS mode using a command such as "KISS ON", but they have a tendency to randomly drop back to command mode. Therefore it is more usual to replace the EPROM with a purpose made KISS EPROM. There are several versions, such as BPQKISS, JKISS, KISS and 220KISS. These usually default to channel A, but can be "patched" for other channels. For example the BPQKISS EPROM may be patched for different KISS channels by changing the byte at address 20(hex) in the PROM as follows: Channel Byte-20h Channel Byte-20h ---------------- ---------------- A 00h I 80h B 10h J 90h C 20h K A0h D 30h L B0h E 40h M C0h F 50h N D0h G 60h O E0h H 70h P F0h Once in KISS mode, the only way to switch a conventional TNC back to normal mode is to send the sequence 192, 255, 192 on the serial line. This can be done using a terminal porgram and the numeric keypad, or a simple program such as KISSOFF.EXE. See Also |