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Time Dependent Routing


TDR -- Time Dependent Routing.


Conventional NetRom makes routing decisions based on a fairly arbitrary metric, i.e. the "route quality", which is assigned by sysops, and disseminated in nodes broadcasts. There is no standard for assigning quality, and not only will each sysop have a different notion of the quality of his links relative to others, but he will probably wrongly assign the qualities of those links relative to each other. This leads to inconsistency and distorted routing.

XRPi includes two systems which attempt to alleviate this problem, namely Automatic Quality Measurement" (Autoqual) and "Time Domain Routing" (TDR). Both systems rely on a slightly different understanding of the "goodness" of a link.

In the better-managed parts of the NetRom network, route qualities tend to be assigned according to the baud rate of the link, with adjustments for retry rates, duplex / simplex and shared channels (in the worst-managed parts, route qualities are simply assigned to 192 regardless of how good or bad the link is). The quality is fixed at a compromise value.

But the actual "goodness" of a link may continually change with atmospheric conditions, data throughput, other channel activity, QRM etc. At certain times of day for example, it may be better to use an alternative link.

Round-Trip Time

A more accurate notion of "goodness" is simply the "Round Trip Time" (RTT) for the link, i.e. the time taken to send a packet and get a reply. After all, this is what *really* matters to users. A link which responds quickly (i.e. with a low RTT) is perceived by users to be better than a link which responds slowly. The RTT will track changes in retry rate, channel loading etc.

The RTT can be easily and consistently measured by software on a continuous basis, thus the "quality" of the link is accurately known at all times, and all routers of the same type will give comparable values independently of the sysop's notions of quality.

XRouter continually measures RTT and uses it to calculate a notional "route quality". This quality is displayed by the "R Q" command, and can either be used as a guide to allow the sysop to fix the RQ at a sensible value, or XRPi can use it dynamically, by setting the route to use Autoqual. (Autoqual is engaged by setting an RQ between 256 and 511). This RTT to quality conversion is tailored to the British notion of quality, which gives somewhat lower but more meaningful qualities.

Autoqual is merely a tool to help sysops set consistent and meaningful route qualities. The qualities are still under sysop control, thus open to distortion.

However, by simply broadcasting RTT values instead of qualities, the influence of the sysop is removed, and a network based on indisputable *times* rather than arbitrary *quality* can be created.

This is a network which has its routing metric in the time domain, hence the name "Time Domain Routing". It may to some extent overlap the quality-domain network, but the boundaries may be different, and the two schemes are not compatible. Consider them to be different dimensions, at 90 degrees to each other.

XRPi implements both time-domain and quality-domain routing schemes, and will consider information from both domains when making routing decisions. The same node table is used for both schemes, since only the metric is different. In some cases a node may have both quality and time metrics.


As sysop, you have several tools at your disposal for controlling the size and balance of the two domains. For the quality domain you have QUALITY which defines the "goodness" of the links to your neighbours and the "de-rating" of the qualities which they send to you, MINQUAL, which determines which nodes get into the nodes table and which are excluded, MINTXQUAL, which determines how much information you send to your neighbour nodes, and MAXNODES which determines the maximum number of nodes visible to you.

For the time domain, you have MAXTT, which defines the furthest node in "Trip Time" (i.e. RTT/2) terms, MAXHOPS which defines the furthest node as a function of the number of intervening nodes, and MAXNODES as above.

You may adjust these parameters to favour one domain over the other, to exclude one domain altogether, or to strike a balance between the number of nodes which exist solely in one domain or the other.

For example, setting MAXTT or MAXHOPS to 0 will exclude all time-domain information, and XRPi will behave as a pure old-fashioned NetRom router. Or you may set MINQUAL to 255, excluding all quality-domain information (e.g. if there is a nearby node distorting the netrom qualities), providing of course you have neighbours which are cabable of time-domain routing. Or you may wish to limit the visibility of a subnet from one port (e.g. to a foreign network) by setting a low MAXHOPS or MAXTT on that port only. This gives you control which was not possible by quality alone.

Metric Propogation

XRPi currently (but see compatibility issues) uses the INP3 protocol to disseminate time-domain routing information. Unlike NetRom, which uses unconnected-mode "broadcasts" to all neighbours simultaneously, INP3 sends data to each neighbour individually, using connected-mode. Whilst it is usual to make NetRom nodes broadcasts at 1 hour intervals, INP3 updates are sent every 10 minutes, with additional updates whenever changes occur.

The time-domain network thus responds much more rapidly to changes than NetRom does, but if the network is unreliable (i.e. frequent outages and variable RTT's), a lot of updates are generated. Although INP3 updates are more compact than NetRom nodes broadcasts, some sysops may feel that the amount of routing information is too much for a poor quality RF link. If so, you may disable INP3 completely by setting the route MAXTT to 0, or you can agree a low MAXTT with your neighbour node, which will reduce the volume of data.

You may notice that nodes which are learned solely via INP3 are all stored with a NetRom quality of 0. This is deliberate, because these nodes have no presence in the quality domain.

Compatibility issues:

Although this is a router manual, not a treatise on networking, it must be stressed that time-domain and quality-domain metrics are incompatible, and information learned from one domain must *never* be "translated" and broadcast to the other. XRPi measures, uses and disseminates both time and quality metrics, but always keeps them separate.

Unfortunately, *some* software (which shall henceforth be known as "Brand-X") *does* translate information between the domains, and you should be aware that this may cause you problems if they are within the horizon of either domain.

For example, in the diagram below, imagine that an XRPi node (Xr) measures the trip time (TT) to one of its neighbour nodes (A) as 1.5 seconds, and the sysop has assigned a Netrom quality of 180.

                   A ---- Xr ---- Bx
                           \     /
                             \ /
                              C ---- D

XRouter broadcasts both pieces of information to neighbour node (Bx) which is using "Brand-X" software. That software ignores the 180 and will instead manufacture a quality of 253 from the trip time, using a totally unsuitable algorithm.

By itself this isn't a problem, until the "Brand-X" node broadcasts it to node (C) which is NetRom-only. Now the NetRom node thinks it has a higher quality to (A) via (Bx) than via (Xr). So packets from (C) to (A) will now take the longer path. What's worse, (Bx) will tell (Xr) that it knows a better route to (A), and the network will decend into chaos.

A fully interconnected mesh network is very robust, yet the "Brand-X" sysops seem remarkably reluctant to implement links which result in a mesh. Maybe the above explains why!

Another problem occurs when the "Brand-X" software translates in the other direction, i.e. it takes a NetRom quality, which is a potentially unreliable piece of information, and magically turns it into a trip time and hop count. Yet neither trip time nor hop count can ever be inferred from quality alone!

The consequence is that a node which exists only in the untrustworthy quality domain, and may have been beyond our horizon in that domain, now appears in the more trusted time domain where it can bypass the NetRom de-rating process. The information could subsequently pass innocently back into the Netrom network with a higher "quality" than it would have if received via a more direct pure netrom route.


Early versions of XRouter used a proprietary protocol to exchange RTT, hops, IP routing, position and other information between themselves. It was later decided to adapt XRouter for INP3 compatibility, believing that it would be a good idea to interconnect XRouter's time domain scheme with other types of node.

In hindsight this proved to be a mistake, and it is firmly believed that, unless the "Brand-X" software authors correct the errors, XRPi and the Netrom network should not be connected to any other network which includes "Brand-X" nodes. Fortunately, those nodes are now in decline, and BPQ is becoming more prevalent. BPQ32 does (correctly) keep time and quality domains separate.


The author recognises that "Time Domain Routing" is probably not the ideal name for this scheme, but so far no alternative has come to mind.

It is routing based on measurable "temporal" metrics (round trip time) rather than abstract unit-less human-generated metrics ("quality"). Perhaps a better name would be "Trip-Time-Routing"?

When new ideas are being developed and coded in a hurry, the first name to be thought of often sticks. It gets used in function and class names, configuration files, commands and documentation. Then it becomes too much effort to change it.

The word "domain" was probably used because the trip-time-based and quality-based networks are two separate entities. They may share the same nodes, but they are different NETWORKS with different dynamic behaviours.

The nodes in one network are often arranged in a different configuration than in the other. The networks can't (or at least SHOULDN'T!) see each other, as if they occupy the same space but in different dimensions. You can no more convert trip time to quality than you can inches to seconds.

Perhaps some English Language expert can come up with better nomenclature. If so, please let us know.

See also

AUTOQUAL(9) -- Automatic Route Quality.
INP3(5) -- Inter-Node Protocol 3.
MINQUAL(2) -- Minimum Quality.
MINTX(2) -- Minimum Tx Quality.
ROUTES(2) -- Add, Drop and List Routes.
QUALITY(2) -- NetRom Route Quality.