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XRPi Documentation - Sysop Commands



MTO -- Monitor frames to/from specified destination.


MT[o] [<callsign> | <ipaddr>[:port] | ALL | NONE]




The MTO command allows you to selectively monitor (trace) frames to/from a specified callsign or IP address.

This filter is additional to any filtering provided by MPORT and MMASK, i.e. only frames on the specified MPORT(s), which match the protocol specified by MMASK, and the address specified by MTO will be displayed.


"MTO <callsign>" enables selective monitoring of frames to and from AX25 <callsign>.

"MTO <ipaddr>[:port]" enables selective monitoring of frames to and from an IP address. If a port is not specified, all traffic to/from that IP address is monitored. If port is specified, only TCP and UDP frames to and from the specified IP address are monitored, and only if the source or dest port match the specified one.

"MTO ALL" disables selective tracing, allowing all packets on the selected port, which match the MMASK to be displayed.

"MTO NONE" provides a quick means to cancel the existing MTO, and results in no packets being displayed.


MTO g8pzt


Only one MTO filter can be in operation on each console and remote sysop session at any time. Setting a new MTO cancels the previous one on that console or session.

See also

MMASK(2) -- Set Monitor Mask
MONITOR(2) -- Enable / disable monitoring
MPORT(2) -- Set port to monitor