653 1 arp add host port hardware-addr [options] Options: UI means use AX.25 UI frames, I means use I frames. ~ 2 arp drop host port ~ 3 Destination Interface Hdw Address Type Time Flags ~ 4 Maximum ARP requests waiting for response. ~ 5 Number of times to retry an ARP check. ~ 6 Statistics since %s %s, Duration %s ~ 7 Interrupt out of range. ~ 8 KISS channel already used. ~ 9 Set node alias and callsign. ~ 10 cron from start to end each interval at minute "command" Example: cron from 00 to 23 each 30 at 5 "expire kick" start, end are hours, interval in minutes. ~ 11 attach bpqenet interrupt iface mtu ~ 12 attach com iface address vector ibufsize speed [uart] Attach a standard COM port. attach com com1 0x3f8 4 1024 64 19200 The optional UART specification may be: UART RX TX FIFO size. 450 - 16450 0 0 550 - 16C550A 16 12 650 - 16C650 32 24 650A - 16C650A 32 16 654 - 16C654 64 48 850 - 16C850 64 48 950 - 16C950 128 96 ~ 13 420 No current article has been selected ~ 14 attach kiss iface com_iface channel mtu ~ 15 attach packet interrupt iface mtu ~ 16 ax25 speed interface value Radio baud rate. ~ 17 ax25 ackdelay interface value Delayed acknowledge timer in milliseconds. ~ 18 ax25 frack interface value Initial retry backoff in milliseconds. ~ 19 ax25 maxframe interface value Maximum frames per transmit. ~ 20 ax25 retry interface value Retry Limit. ~ 21 Set default AX.25 parameters. ~ 22 ax25 quality interface value NET/ROM quality. ~ 23 ID Iface Remote Local Try Retry Perc RejR RejS Qua Sta Frack ~ 24 Return undelivered NTS traffic (days) ~ 25 ID Local Remote Iface RB V(S) V(R) Unack Retry State ~ 26 ax25 qlimit interface value AX25 receive queue max in bytes ~ 27 Set BBS alias and callsign. ~ 28 Connect failed. ~ 29 Options: "on" or "off" ~ 30 Run a macro. .file will run the commands in a file named file.cmd. .file.ext will run the commands in that file. ~ 31 Commands: ~ 32 Usage (startup only) - ~ 33 Usage - ~ 34 com mode iface speed parity bits stop ~ 35 Not a COM interface. ~ 36 Route entry timeout is %u seconds. ~ 37 com term iface ~ 38 digi echo what in out interface list: comma separated list of interface names. call list: comma separated list of callsigns or aliases. "what" is a call list. "in" is an interface list, or the keyword "all". "out" is an interface list, or the keyword "all" or "other". ~ 39 digi repeat what in out interface list: comma separated list of interface names. call list: comma separated list of callsigns or aliases. "what" is a call list. "in" is an interface list, or the keyword "all". "out" is an interface list, or the keyword "all" or "other". ~ 40 digi send from to[,digi] out file "from" is a callsign. "to" is a callsign. "digi" is a call list. "out" is an interface list, or the keyword "all". "file" is a text file containing the information to send. ~ 41 *** Done. ~ 42 domain add [ timeout in seconds ] ~ 43 Seconds an unused domain cache entry is saved. ~ 44 domain drop ~ 45 Server address timeout queries responses timeouts ~ 46 Finding network connections ... ~ 47 Host name. ~ 48 Server retries. ~ 49 WP Error Master callsign is incorrect, new database created. ~ 50 Server timeout in seconds. ~ 51 Translate IP addresses to host names. ~ 52 *** What? ~ 53 Expire BIDS (days) ~ 54 Expire bulletins (days) ~ 55 Expire unused news groups (days) ~ 56 Return unread email (days) ~ 57 Call,ID ~ 58 Alias,Call,Hops,RTT,Tries,Qual,Kind,Flags ~ 59 From,To,Qual,RTTMin,RTTAvg,RTTMax,Count,Flags ~ 60 Links with possible problems. ~ 61 All links. ~ 62 [ Realtime WP Update ] ~ 63 Call, Home, Hloc, First, Last, Connect, Logged, Flags, Handle, QTH ~ 64 Local: %s Remote: %s State: %s ~ 65 %s: srtt %lu mdev %lu ~ 66 %-23s%10ld ~ 67 Description: %s ~ 68 %-6s NETROM %-9s %s@%s ~ 69 501 Unknown type ~ 70 Address Interface Since Connects ~ 71 221 Goodbye! ~ 72 500 Unknown command ~ 73 214 No help available. ~ 74 500 Unsupported command or option ~ 75 530 Please log in with USER and PASS ~ 76 553 Can't create directory ~ 77 550 Not a directory ~ 78 450 Requested action not taken ~ 79 425 Data connection reset ~ 80 553 No such directory ~ 81 550 Permission denied ~ 82 550 Can't read ~ 83 552 Can't write ~ 84 200 Ok ~ 85 331 Enter PASS command ~ 86 501 Bad port syntax ~ 87 250 File deleted ~ 88 550 Delete failed ~ 89 550 Rename failed ~ 90 350 Waiting ~ 91 350 Restarting ~ 92 230 Logged in ~ 93 Set default TCP parameters. ~ 94 %s} Ports: ~ 95 502 Command not implemented ~ 96 503 Login with USER first. ~ 97 > ~ 98 Interface Station Time since heard Pkts rcvd ~ 99 Cache-Control: no-cache Pragma: no-cache ~ 100 HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found ~ 101 HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified\ ~ 102 HTTP/1.1 200 OK ~ 103 Login timeout in seconds ~ 104 Connection timeout in seconds ~ 105 How long to wait to send next ping after ping response received ~ 106 YOu cannot read message %lu. ~ 107 ifconfig description port text ~ 108 ifconfig ipaddress port address ~ 109 ifconfig netmask port mask ~ 110 Maximum heard calls to retain ~ 111 ifconfig mtu port ~ 112 ip frame reassembly timeout in seconds ~ 113 Address Interface Since Pkts ~ 114 ip time-to-live ~ 115 KISS interrupt buffer allocation size. ~ 116 Full duplex. ~ 117 Set default KISS parameters. ~ 118 NNTP Close ~ 119 PID Flags Stack Slack Ticks In Out User Process Time ~ 120 Persistance. ~ 121 Slot time. ~ 122 TXD in milliseconds. ~ 123 TXT in milliseconds. ~ 124 Turn logging on or off, it is now: ~ 125 NNTP link failure. ~ 126 MailBox forwarding batch size ~ 127 MailBox hierarchical address ~ 128 Enter message. End with /EX or ^Z in first column. ~ 129 mbox import file Import messages from file. ~ 130 mbox kind id kind Change message kind (B, P, T). ~ 131 MsgID F To From Size Tag Received ~ 132 Could not queue message. ~ 133 Port Mode Local Remote ~ 134 Zip requires a zip code or range of zip codes, for example: zip 97140 zip 97140 97145 ~ 135 ? for help> ~ 136 Returned to node. ~ 137 'bbs' or 'node' to leave sysop mode. ~ 138 Please verify your user information using the 'n' commands. ~ 139 Tag requires a message number and the new tag, for example: tag 555 k7iqi ~ 140 Message saved. ~ 141
~ 144
~ 145
Message killed
~ 146
Not Found
~ 147
You can't do that.
~ 148 ~ 149 ? Display this help information. Bye Disconnect. BBs Access the BBS, if it is available. Connect Connect to another node or station. Cookie Get a cookie. Info Info about this system. IConn Display IP addresses of recent connects. IHeard Display IP addresses heard. IStatus Display IP address routing tables. LInk Display AX.25 interface performance table. MConn Display AX.25 callsigns of recent connects. MHeard Display AX.25 callsigns heard. Nodes Display NET/ROM node list. Ports Display ports. PIng Check connectivity to another node. Qth Lookup information about a callsign. Routes Display NET/ROM route list. RIp Display RIP statistics. RT Access the RoundTable. Status Display system status. SYsop Administer the system. Telnet Connect to another node or station. Users Display connected users. wp Query the White Pages database. Zip Lookup callsigns by zip code. ~ 150 NNTP Open ~ 151 Not found. ~ 152 'c node' for NET/ROM 'c port call' for AX.25 't host' for telnet ~ 153 UART not found at %x ~ 154 Route entry wait time before delete is %u seconds. ~ 155 %s} Connected to %s ~ 156 bye - Disconnect. info - System information. node - Return to node. sysop - Administer the system. wp - Query the White Pages database. k commands: Kill messages. Use ?k for details. l comamnds: List messages. Use ?l for details. r commands: Read messages. Use ?r for details. s commands: Send messages. Use ?s for details. n commands: Your White Pages information. Use ?n for details. ~ 157 Acknowledge delay in milliseconds. ~ 158 netrom bcnodes port ~ 159 Initial retry backoff in milliseconds. ~ 160 Minimum quality to include in node broadcast. ~ 161 Retry backoff limit. ~ 162 %s} Routes to %s Neighbor Port Qual Usage Last Use ~ 163 Remove dead node entry after this many seconds. ~ 164 NET/ROM receive queue limit in bytes. ~ 165 Interface Station Time since last Connects ~ 166 Iface Neighbor Qual Dest Try Retry Perc Last BC ~ 167 Max retries ~ 168 Pending: Seq Size Tries ~ 169 ID Snd-W Snd-Q Rcv-Q Local Remote State Frack MDEV ~ 170 Time to live ~ 171 Window (frames) ~ 172 nw avoid to nw avoid from to ~ 173 %s} Cannot Use That Port. ~ 174 nw force from to command quality port ~ 175 %s} Unknown Call. ~ 176 %s} Unknown Host. ~ 177 Route timeout in seconds. ~ 178 RTT multiplier ~ 179 Use random calls ~ 180 Hop timeout in seconds. ~ 181 Max attempts to reach node ~ 182 %s} Unknown port. ~ 183 Try routes with no destinations ~ 184 Try routes with zero quality ~ 185 QTH requires a callsign, for example: qth ka7qrm ~ 186 WP edit requires a callsign, for example: wp edit k0qrn ~ 187 Only one ping session at a time. ~ 188 ping host [timeout [latency [file]]] timeout and latency are in milliseconds ~ 189 Port is in use. ~ 190 disconnect session ~ 191 rewrite kind address e.g. rewrite P w0rli@w0rli ~ 192 rip add destination [flags] Flags: psu - Poisoned reverse, Split horizon, Us ~ 193 rip drop destination ~ 194 Automatic arp / route discovery. rip auto on/off ~ 195 RIP merging on/off ~ 196 Poisoned reverse on/off ~ 197 Host Sent Rcvd Req Resp Unk Flags ~ 198 route add destination[/] port [gateway | direct [metric]] ~ 199 route addprivate destination[/bits] port [gateway | direct [metric]] ~ 200 route drop destination[/bits] ~ 201 *** You are already logged in at another node. ~ 202 Can't add route. ~ 203 /U - Show Users. /N - Enter your Name. /Q - Enter your QTH. /T - Show Topics. /T Name - Join Topic or Create new Topic. /P - Show Ports and Links. /E - Toggle Echo. /S CALL Text - Send Text to that station only. /F - Force all links to be made. /K - Show Known nodes. /B - Leave RoundTable and return to node. ~ 204 Destination Len Interface Gateway Metric P Timer Use ~ 205 route check destination ~ 206 rt link alias:call-ssid Callsign or alias missing, use ALIAS:CALL-SSID, the colon is required. ~ 207 rt link alias:call ~ 208 Known Nodes: ~ 209 *** That user is not logged in now. ~ 210 Topics in the RoundTable are: ~ 211 route ttl interface-type timeout Where interface-type is "ether", "ax25" or "netrom" and timeout is in seconds. ~ 212 ip address system-default-address. ~ 213 Stations in the RoundTable: ~ 214 RoundTable Server. Type /H for command summary. Bringing up links to other nodes. This may take a minute or two. The /p command shows what nodes are linked. ~ 215 route wait interface-type timeout Where interface-type is "ether", "ax25" or "netrom" and timeout is in seconds. ~ 216 netmask %s broadcast %s ~ 217 250 Ok ~ 218 No such session or session cannot be killed. ~ 219 video window foreground background Set window colors. Background or foreground: black blue green cyan red magenta brown lightgray Foreground only: darkgray lightblue lightgreen lightcyan lightred lightmagenta yellow white ~ 220 The Monitor window is already active. ~ 221 Out of memory. ~ 222 %s} Invalid Callsign. ~ 223 221 Closing ~ 224 354 Enter mail, end with . ~ 225 250 Sent ~ 226 214-Commands: 214-HELO NOOP MAIL QUIT RCPT HELP DATA RSET EXPN 214 End ~ 227 452 Requested action not taken: insufficient system storage ~ 228 250 Reset state ~ 229 503 Need RCPT (recipient) ~ 230 501 Syntax error ~ 231 Nr Type Fl Remote socket Owner ~ 232 cron sync time-server Synchronize the system clock with a Network time server, e.g. tick.usno.navy.mil, tock.usno.navy.mil, ntp.ucsd.edu etc.. ~ 233 tcp blimit value Backoff limit. ~ 234 Duplicate acks before shift to fast recovery ~ 235 Init seq Unack Next Resent CWind Thrsh Wind MSS Queue Total ~ 236 ID Rcv-Q Snd-Q Local socket Remote socket State ~ 237 Minimum timeout in milliseconds ~ 238 tcp maxwait interface value Maximum retry wait in milliseconds ~ 239 Initial guess at two frame max lifetimes in milliseconds. ~ 240 Reassembly queue: ~ 241 tcp reset ~ 242 tcp irtt interface value Initial round trip time estimate in milliseconds. ~ 243 tcp mss interface value tcp maximum segment size. ~ 244 NNTP Sent %lx %lu %s %s ~ 245 tcp retries interface value tcp retry limit. ~ 246 tcp window interface value tcp window. ~ 247 SMTP Sent %lx %lu %s %s ~ 248 Current Establish %10lu ~ 249 Timeout waiting for time server response in milliseconds. ~ 250 Idle user timeout in seconds. ~ 251 monitor file closed. ~ 252 monitor file filename Open a monitor log file. ~ 253 monitor on interface options Turn on monitoring for the interface. Options: text - Show frames in plain text. hex - Show frames in hex. in - Show received frames. out - Show transmitted frames. Both text and hex may be specified. If neither is specified only headers are shown. ~ 254 monitor host hostname:port ~ 255 Cron %s ~ 256 Monitor file not open. ~ 257 Monitor off ~ 258 monitor port off Turn off monitoring for the interface. ~ 259 monitor timeout n Number of seconds to wait for a connection to SockViewPort. ~ 260 monitor twait n Number of seconds to wait between attempts to connect to SockViewPort. ~ 261 UDP Listener frames ~ 262 Unknown host ~ 263
~ 264
AX.25 Connection Performance Data
Interface Remote Local Control ID Try Retry Retry Percentage Rejects Received Rejects Transmitted Quality Connection State
~ 265
COM Interfaces
Interface Kind Speed Address IRQ RX int RX char TX int TX char RX OR TX OR OE FE PE
~ 266
KISS Interfaces
Interface txdelay txtail slottime persist fulldup

~ 267 ~ 268
NET/ROM Connections
Circuit Send Window TX Queue RX Queue Local Remote State
Packet Driver Interface
Interface RX Frames TX Frames RX Bytes TX Bytes RX Fails TX Fails
Ethernet %lu%lu%lu%lu%lu%lu

~ 269 White Pages global server ~ 270 Days until read personal message killed. ~ 271 wp list all - All entries wp list b - BBS systems wp list c - Users that have logged in wp list f age - Older than age days wp list g - Guessed wp list n age - New in last age days wp list s - Sysops wp list u age - Seen in last age days wp list x - Excluded wp list @ where - BBS or location wp list ? - Questionable entries ~ 272 wp query list-of-callsigns ~ 273 Distribution to send realtime updates ~ 274 Out Reset %10lu ~ 275
~ 276 - Add a + to an l command, see forwards. e.g. ll 12 + h n - Hold/Unhold message number n. Accepts a list of message numbers. k n - Kill/Unkill message number n. Accepts a list of message numbers. kh - Kill all held messages. uh - Release all held messages. k> to - Kill all messages with specific To. k< from - Kill all messages with specific From. rt n - Return message n to sender. tag n newtag - Change message n tag. kind n B|P|T - Change message n kind. ~ 277 ~ 278 *** Sysop commands -------------------------- ~ 279 503 Fatal error FILE ~ 280 430 No such article ~ 281 Message %lu not found. ~ 282 230 New news by message id follows ~ 283 215 List of newsgroups follows ~ 284 411 No such newsgroup ~ 285 412 No newsgroup selected ~ 286 224 data follows ~ 287 435 Article not wanted - do not send ~ 288 422 No previous article ~ 289 205 Closing ~ 290 335 Send article, end with . ~ 291 235 Thanks ~ 292 340 Send article to be posted, end with . ~ 293 441 Posting failed ~ 294 240 Article posted ok ~ 295 QUIT ~ 296 421 No next article ~ 297 231 List of new newsgroups follows ~ 298 202 slave status noted ~ 299 %2d%6u%6u %-23s%-23s%-s ~ 300 Mem Alloc %4.4x %-21s %lu ~ 301 h n - hold message number n. Accepts a list of message numbers. ~ 302 k n - Kill message number n. Accepts a list of message numbers. km - Kill my read messages. k> tag - Kill all messages to tag. k< tag - Kill all messages from tag. kh - Kill all held messages. ~ 303 l - List messages new since last login. lc - List catagories of messages on the system. lf n - List first n messages. lh - List held messages. lk - List killed messages. ll n - List last n messages. lm - List messages addressed to you. lp - List personal messages. lt - List NTS messages. l@ tag l> to l< from ~ 304 n - Show your White Pages information. n Name - Set your name. nh BBS - Set your home BBS call. nl n - Set pause after each n lines. nq qth - Set your QTH. ~ 305 r n - Read message number n. rh n - Read message number n, show all headers. ~ 306 sb - Send a bulletin. sp - Send a personal message. st - Send NTS traffic. sr - Send a reply to the last message read. ~ 307 Error: Cannot open defaults.txt. ~ 308 Subject: ~ 309 *** There were errors at startup, see the log file. ~ 310 WP export requires a file name, for example: wp export \tmp\wp.txt ~ 311 Connect requires a destination, for example: connect cedar connect ax2 cedar ~ 312 150 Opening data connection ~ 313 Version%s Built on %s at %s ~ 314 Start%s %sErrors%d ~ 315 *** Node commands -------------------------- ~ 316 Node%sBBS%s ~ 317 Host Name%sIP Address%s ~ 318 Current time%s %sUptime%s ~ 319 Current time%s %sMemory Used%lu of %lu ~ 320 Web Users ~ 321 BBS Users ~ 322 %s%u ~ 323 %lu%lu%lu%lu%u%u%u%u%u ~ 324 %s%lu0x%x%d ~ 325 %s%s%s%s%s%s%s ~ 326 Read requires a message number, for example: r 337 rh 556 ~ 327 %u%u%u%s ~ 328 %d%u%u%3d.%d%% ~ 329 %s%s%s ~ 330 ~ 331 Ethernet: Packets Rx: %10ld Tx: %10lu Bytes Rx: %10ld Tx: %10lu Fails Rx: %10ld Tx: %10lu ~ 332 %d %ld ~ 333 Telnet requires a destination, for example: telnet cedar ~ 334 ~ 335 %x%d%d%d%s%s@%s%s ~ 336 %s%d%d%d%d%d ~ 337 Message Address: %s@%s.%s Name: %s QTH: %s Pause after %d lines. ~ 338 Force: ~ 339 Avoid: ~ 340 %ld (none) ~ 341 Version %d, %ld calls, %ld queries %ld new calls since %s ~ 342 %-6.6s %6s %6s %6s %5u %-6.6s %-3.3s %s %s ~ 343 From %02d00 to %02d00 each %2d at %2d "%s" ~ 344 NTP: %lu req tx, %lu rsp rx, %lu rsp ok, %lu rsp timeout, %lu queries %d Timers running. ~ 345 %d Tries ~ 346 MS: %8u int, %8u ~ 347 Used %lu times ~ 348 %d of %d Nodes visited in %d of %d Tries. From %-9s To %-9s At %-9s %d Hops %d Quality %ld/%ld Time ~ 349 Ping requires a destination, for example: ping cedar ~ 350 Hold requires a message number, for example: h 556 ~ 351 Built on %s at %s ~ 352 Start time: %s %s ~ 353 System time: %s %s ~ 354 Uptime: %s ~ 355 %s} %s %s %s DOS %d.%d ~ 356 Interface %s exists ~ 357 Interface %s unknown ~ 358 %-15.15s %-9.9s %-17.17s %-9.9s %5ld %s ~ 359 Link addr %s Frack %lu Qual %d Paclen %d MaxFrame %d/%d Retry %d ~ 360 %s %lu bps @ 0x%x IRQ%d EFR %02x MCR %02x FCTR %02x FIFO %d/%d ~ 361 %s -> %s %s ~ 362 Link addr %s ~ 363 %-7s %s ~ 364 sent: ip %lu tot %lu idle %s ~ 365 recv: ip %lu tot %lu idle %s bad %lu ~ 366 257 "%s" is current directory ~ 367 227 Entering Passive Mode (%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d) ~ 368 220 %s, FTP version %s ~ 369 215 DOS Type: L8 Version: %s ~ 370 220 %s SMTP ready ~ 371 250 %s, Share and Enjoy! ~ 372 Startup Error Disk is nearly full. ~ 373 201 %s NNTP version %s ready ~ 374 211 %lu %lu %lu %s ~ 375 220 %lu %s Article retrieved - head and body follow ~ 376 221 %lu %s Article retrieved - Head ~ 377 221 %s fields follow ~ 378 221 %lu %s header of article %s ~ 379 222 %lu %s Article retrieved - Body ~ 380 223 %lu %s Article retrieved - Statistics ~ 381 223 %lu %s Article retrieved - request text separately ~ 382 Forward to: %s ~ 383 In Error %10lu ~ 384 %s %s eol: %s %s ~ 385 %3d %-8s %c%c %-22s%-s ~ 386 COM port %s not found ~ 387 %s already used ~ 388 RX: %8ld int, %8ld chr, Q %u Buffer %d TX: %8lu int, %8lu chr, Q %u ~ 389 Have %s ~ 390 %s (none) ~ 391 ER: %u rx buf OR, %u tx buf OR, %u OE, %u FE, %u PE ~ 392 %s} Failure with %s ~ 393 ->More: (q to quit) ~ 394 [ Location: %s ] ~ 395 Connected to %s ~ 396 Send:%9lx%9lx%9lx%7lu%6u%6u%6u%5u%6u%11lu ~ 397 Recv:%9lx %9lx%7lu %6u %6u%11lu ~ 398 seq %lx %u bytes ~ 399 -ERR no such message ~ 400 -ERR No message specified ~ 401 -ERR (TRANS) unsupported command ~ 402 -ERR Access DENIED ~ 403 -ERR (AUTH) expected USER, PASS or QUIT ~ 404 Send requires a destination, for example: st 97140@ntsor ~ 405 Exact ~ 406 Send requires a destination, for example: sb all@or ~ 407 100 %s - help follows: NNTP Server version %s ~ 408 %2d %3d %5d %5d %9s %9s@%-9s %-9s %6lu %5lu ~ 409 Send reply requires a message number, for example: sr 556 ~ 410 %d neighbors, %d nodes, %d binds, %u bytes ~ 411 %3u %3d %5d ~ 412 Unack: %3d Txpect: %3d TxNext: %3u TxQ: %d%s Idle timeout in %ld seconds, backoff %d ~ 413 Window: %3d Rxpect: %3d RxNext: %3d RxQ: %d%s%s ~ 414 Local: %s ID:%u Remote: %s @ %s ID:%u State: %s ~ 415 %c %-6s %6s:%-9s %3d %3d %5u %5u %3d.%d%% %8.8s %c ~ 416 %-16s %-6s %3d %5u %8.8s ~ 417 %s: stop/%lu ms ~ 418 What Active Waiting Total Waits msg read %3d %3d %8lu %8lu msg write %3d %3d %8lu %8lu news read %3d %3d %8lu %8lu news write %3d %3d %8lu %8lu ~ 419 %-16.16s %-9s %12s %7ld ~ 420 %-9s %-9s %12s %7lu ~ 421 Error: Cannot open startup.txt. ~ 422 Monitoring to file %s ~ 423 Cannot monitor %s ~ 424 Monitoring sent to %s:%d %lu/%lu (%sConnected) %lu Frames ~ 425 %s not found. ~ 426 %lu not found. ~ 427 %lu done ~ 428 %5u %-3s %-6s %-6s %s %-6s %02d%02d/%02d%02d %s ~ 429 *** BBS commands -------------------------- ~ 430 %s (%s) unreachable. ~ 431 %s unreachable ~ 432 %6u Requests received %6u Replies sent %6u Ignored %6u Requests sent %6u Replies received ~ 433 TELNET %-9s %s ~ 434 Milliseconds Used: %s (1/%u) ~ 435 Seconds Available: %s ~ 436 %4.4x %-5s %5u %5u %s %3d %3d %-15s %-12s %s ~ 437 %-15s %6lu %6lu %6lu %6lu %6lu %c%c%c ~ 438 *** %s IP addr %s MTU %u Protocol %s ~ 439 %s: %lu/%lu ms ~ 440 NonExact ~ 441 IHAVE <%s> ~ 442 %s} Routes: ~ 443 User %-6.6s ~ 444 Link %-6.6s (setup) ~ 445 %-6.6s at %-9.9s %s, %s [ %s ] ~ 446 Link %s:%s %x ~ 447 User %s @ %s ~ 448 %-16s %5ld %s ~ 449 %lu From Cache, %lu from File, %lu from Server, %lu Responses ~ 450 Retrans Segment %10lu ~ 451 %-20s%10lu%10lu%10lu%10lu ~ 452 Server %s unknown ~ 453 Stack: %4.4d, Min args: %2.2d, Options: %4.4x ~ 454 attach tnbpq interrupt iface mtu Variation of bpqenet to support TNOS. ~ 455 %-6s AX25 %-9s %s ~ 456 %2d %-7s%-10s%-10s %5u %5u %3d.%d%% %4u %4u %3u %-4s %6ld %c ~ 457 Node %s %d ~ 458 rxq: %u, rxasm: %u, txq: %u, sentq: %u %u received, %u accepted, %u recovered. ~ 459 Speed %lu, maxframe %u, frack = %lu/%lu Idle timeout in %d seconds. ~ 460 %2d %-9s %-9s %-6s %c%c %4d %4d %02u/%02u %02u/%02u %s ~ 461 Current %d, Max %d, Limit %d files fd sflg fflg buf ~ 462 %2d %04x %04x %4d %s ~ 463 Recent files: ~ 464 %5d %lx %ld ~ 465 %d found ~ 466 Total ~ 467 Topic %s %d ~ 468 Exact %lu, NonExact %lu, Combined %lu Wait %lu, Fail %lu, Invalid free %lu Files %d/%d, Disk has%s MB available. ~ 469 Memory Used: Current %lu, Peak %lu of %lu Alloc %lu, Free %lu, Diff %lu ~ 470 Startup Error TZ environment variable missing, UTC assumed. ~ 471 Startup Error SMARTDRV does not appear to be installed ~ 472 Startup Error in defaults.txt at line %d: %s ~ 473 Startup Error in %s at line %d: %s ~ 474 NNTP fail connect ~ 475 Startup Do %s %d %s ~ 476 NNTP fail address bad. ~ 477 %3d %8ld %8ld %-8s %d %s ~ 478 *** Forwarding commands -------------------------- ~ 479 MBOX Fail Msg read %lu ~ 480 MBOX Expire Start ~ 481 MBOX Expire %s ~ 482 Out Segment %10lu ~ 483 Forwarding ~ 484 NNTP I/O Error ~ 485 MBOX Expire End ~ 486 WP Fail write %lu ~ 487 WP Fail read %lu ~ 488 WP Fail write header ~ 489 NTP Fail ~ 490 com txtout milliseconds Timeout while awaiting an expected UART transmitter empty interrupt. ~ 491 SMTP Fail %s ~ 492 RT Login ~ 493 RT Logout ~ 494 Shut NET/ROM ~ 495 Shut AX.25 ~ 496 Shut monitoring ~ 497 Shut TCP ~ 498 Shutdown Error Packet driver error %u at release ~ 499 Shut Ethernet ~ 500 Shut Serial ports ~ 501 Shut wait for critical processes to complete ~ 502 Shut Close message and WP databases ~ 503 Shut write nodelist ~ 504 Shut finished ~ 505 %s %s %s y ~ 506 Send requires a destination, for example: sp n7qrm@w0qrm.or.usa.noam ~ 507 Kill by from or to requires a call, for example: k> n7qrm k< n7qrm ~ 508 Kill requires a message number, for example: k 556 ~ 509 Return requires a message number, for example: rt 556 ~ 510 NNTP Login ~ 511 NNTP Logout ~ 512 Proc Start %4.4x %s %ld %lu ~ 513 Proc End %4.4x %s %ld %lu %u %u %lu %lu mem %lu ~ 514 Proc End %4.4x %s %ld %lu %u %u %lu %lu ~ 515 MBOX Fail List ~ 516 MBOX Fail Link ~ 517 MBOX Fail Connect ~ 518 MBOX Open ~ 519 MBOX Close ~ 520 MBOX Fail Checksum ~ 521 MBOX Fail Memory ~ 522 MBOX Fail Header %x ~ 523 MBOX Batch %d %lu %lu ~ 524 MBOX Sent %lx %lu %s %s ~ 525 NNTP Fail File %s ~ 526 WP Error Expected version %d, got %d, new database created. ~ 527 WP Fail Create. ~ 528 NTP Sync ~ 529 Startup Error COM port %s may have a problem. ~ 530 %s Received %lx %lu %s %s ~ 531 In Segment %10lu ~ 532 MBOX Fail Msg write %lu ~ 533 Node Users ~ 534 MBOX Orphan %s ~ 535 MBOX Fail Check id %lx path %s ~ 536 MBOX Fail Check prev %lx this %lx ~ 537 MBOX Fail Check %s missing ~ 538 MBOX Init Msg database initialized ~ 539 MBOX Fail Msg news version ~ 540 MBOX Fail Msg mail version ~ 541 MBOX Fail Hdr Read ~ 542 MBOX Fail Hdr write ~ 543 MBOX Login ~ 544 MBOX Fail Command %s ~ 545 MBOX Login Sysop ~ 546 MBOX Logout ~ 547 MBOX Fail Excluded ~ 548 Startup Warning Interface %s AX.25 speed no defaults ~ 549 Startup Error Interface %s AX.25 speed not set ~ 550 Startup Error Packet driver error %u at get address ~ 551 Startup Error Too many packet drivers. ~ 552 Startup Error No packet driver found ~ 553 Startup Error Packet driver is not ethernet ~ 554 Startup Error Interface %s has multicast address %s ~ 555 Mem Invalid %Fp check %Fp size %lu pc = %04x:%04x proc %s ~ 556 Mem Alloc %lu in %d on alloc list. ~ 557 Mem Alloc %4.4x %8.8lx %6lu %s ~ 558 SMTP Fail 999 Disconnect ~ 559 SMTP Fail Address bad ~ 560 bbsredir k7iqi In router only mode, the bbs command connects to the given call. ~ 561 SMTP Fail Connect ~ 562 SMTP Open ~ 563 SMTP Close ~ 564 SMTP Login ~ 565 SMTP Logout ~ 566 POP Fail Excluded ~ 567 POP Login ~ 568 POP Sent %lx %lu %s %s ~ 569 POP Logout ~ 570 Startup Error Packet driver error %u at getinfo ~ 571 Startup Error Packet driver error %u at access ~ 572 Content-Type: %s Content-Length: %lu ~ 573 HELO %s ~ 574 Set-Cookie: %s=%s; expires=%s; path=/ ~ 575 Last-Modified: %s ~ 576 Connection: Keep-Alive ~ 577 FTP Login ~ 578 FTP Retrieve %s ~ 579 FTP Store %s ~ 580 FTP Rename %s to %s ~ 581 FTP Delete %s ~ 582 FTP Make directory %s ~ 583 FTP Remove directory %s ~ 584 FTP Logout ~ 585 HTTP Logout ~ 586 HTTP Login ~ 587 HTTP %s ~ 588 HTTP Open ~ 589 HTTP Close ~ 590 %s %s (%s %s) ~ 591 Start %s (%s %s) ~ 592 Backoff %u SRTT %lu ms Mean dev %lu ms ~ 593 +OK you have %d messages ~ 594 +OK %d messages (%lu octets) ~ 595 +OK message %d deleted ~ 596 +OK %d %lu ~ 597 +OK Hi ~ 598 +OK user ~ 599 +OK %lu octets ~ 600 +OK ~ 601 +OK %d ~ 602 +OK Bye ~ 603 To: %s:%s From: %s:%s Use: %s Qual: %d ~ 604 Connection: Close ~ 605 Date: %s Server: %s ~ 606 DATA ~ 607 %lu in %d on free list. ~ 608 N>=%5u:%8ld| N>=%5u:%8ld| N>=%5u:%8ld| N>=%5u:%8ld ~ 609 RCPT TO:<%s> ~ 610 MAIL FROM:<%s> ~ 611 ~ 612 In Frames %10lu ~ 613 No Port %10lu ~ 614 In Error %10lu ~ 615 Out Frames %10lu ~ 616 In Message %10lu ~ 617 In Error %10lu ~ 618 In Destination Unreachable %10lu ~ 619 In Time Exceeded %10lu ~ 620 In Source Quench %10lu ~ 621 In Echo %10lu ~ 622 In Echo Reply %10lu ~ 623 Out Message %10lu ~ 624 Out Error %10lu ~ 625 Out Destination Unreachable %10lu ~ 626 Out Time Exceeded %10lu ~ 627 Out Source Quench %10lu ~ 628 Out Echo %10lu ~ 629 Out Echo Reply %10lu ~ 630 In Receive %10lu ~ 631 In Header Error %10lu ~ 632 Forward Datagram %10lu ~ 633 In Unknown Protocol %10lu ~ 634 In Deliver %10lu ~ 635 Out Request %10lu ~ 636 Out No Route %10lu ~ 637 Reasmbly Required %10lu ~ 638 Reasmbly OK %10lu ~ 639 Reasmbly Fail %10lu ~ 640 Fragment OK %10lu ~ 641 Fragment Fail %10lu ~ 642 Fragment Create %10lu ~ 643 Active Open %10lu ~ 644 Passive Open %10lu ~ 645 Attempt Fail %10lu ~ 646 Establish Reset %10lu ~ 647 arp ui on / off By default, use UI frames else use I frames. ~ 648 Clear all digi entries. ~ 649 Show the status of all digi entries. ~ 650 Show the status of all AX.25 connections. ~ 651 Archive all incoming messages? ~ 652 *** Not available at this system. ~ 653 Critical processes running: %d ~