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SNOS is intended to provide a gateway function which links amateur radio related messages to Win95/98 e-mail and newsgroup reader applications. It has been tested with Outlook Express and Netscape Communicator V4.5. Any PC attached to the local ethernet network is capable of sending and receiving both newsgroups (packet bulletins) and e-mail (personal messages).

There is no provision for transfering any associated messages via internet links. All TCP/IP traffic must be routed over NET/ROM links.


Here is a summary of the steps involved to build such a system. It is highly recommended it be built in stages, verifying each stage before moving on to the next.

  1. Build a stable BBS with a BPQ node.
  2. Add one ethernet card to this system to link with other BPQ nodes using BPQENET.
  3. Add another PC to the network running Win95/98 with BPQ and BPQENET.
  4. Add a second ethernet card to this PC and establish connectivity with other Win/95/98 machines on the network.
  5. Load SNOS on this PC and configure for proper packet traffic exchange between systems. See buildnos.bat
  6. Install and configure Netscape Messenger or Outlook Express on the Windows machines to access the SNOS mail and news server.




Place (or edit) the following line in your \config.sys file:



Be sure \nos is in the path statement.


addroute.bat: Must be called from the Windows startup folder on all PC's requiring access to the SNOS server. This provides the proper routing information for all local machines to have access to distant RF linked systems. Edit the first and last IP addresses for your specific installation. Located in \nos.

The buildnos.bat file creates this file and copies the shortcut to your startup directory.


Also must be called from the startup folder only on the SNOS machine. It initializes the bpqenet ethernet driver, starts BPQ, starts SNOS, then saves the current nodes list when exiting SNOS.

Edit this file for your specific installation. Line 2 requires various formats depending on your ethernet card driver. Located in \nos.


This file maps IP addresses to host names and should define all stations within connecting range. Located in \windows. This file is copied to \windows by buildnos.bat. Must be copied to the windows folder on all networked PC’s.


It is assumed a system exists with BPQ and a functional BBS. Parameter changes required in bpqcfg.txt, is described within the bpqenet documentation. One parameter change is needed when starting bpqenet. Add the letter A in the command line as follows:

BPQENET A 0x60 0x62 (addresses depend on your installation.)

SNOS startup:

This file defines basically all of the operating parameters for snos. A batch file named buildnos.bat greatly simplifies the painstaking process of editing autoexec.nos. Other configuration files are also created by buildnos.bat. All system parameters may be passed to it as command line variables. Another one line batch file named bn.bat is an example of how parameters are passed and in which order. This is one of the most difficult steps in building a properly functioning server, but with careful planning, it shouldn't be too difficult. Located in \nos and created by buildnos.bat.


  1. Copy all the files in the supplied archive to your \nos directory.
  2. Change to c:\nos
  3. Run nosinst.exe
  4. Edit startup.bat to match your specific network hardware requirements.
  5. Run buildnos.bat for instructions on how to configure your system.
  6. Edit bn.bat to match your system installation.
  7. Run bn.bat
  8. Verify your nos configuration parameters are correct.
  9. Reboot


1) Windows needs to add the appropriate routes after starting. It then runs startnos.bat to initialize the ethernet card, start bpq and nos. The startup folder should contain two shortcuts as follows:

2) Here are a few of the shortcut property settings:

3) Nos.exe should run fine using the default memory allocations assigned by Win95/98.


Following are the Netscape Preferences required for proper interfacing to snos. These are found under Edit-Preferences in Netscape version 4.5. Other e-mail and newsgroup applications such as Outlook Express should use similar settings.

1)You want to start Messenger on startup:

2) Insert your first name and packet e-mail address in the fields as shown.

3) Using the Add button, insert your server name. This name identifies the PC running snos and must be identical to that given in other configuration settings, such as when building your autoexec.nos file.

4) Verify your server settings using the Edit button. "Check" options however you wish.

5) It's a good idea to leave messages on server so you can access your mail more than once on different networked PC's.

6) Insert your Newsgroup server using the Add button. This is the same name as your mail server. Note: Netscape adds the [Default] text.

7) Edit properties and select password preference.

8) Proxies setting must be Direct connection.

Qutlook Express Configuration

1) Select Tools-Accounts-News-Add. Select News

2) Enter your name

3) Enter your packet address

4) Enter your hostname

5) Enter your callsign in the News Account Name

6) Enter your hostname again as the Internet News Account Name

7) Connect using LAN. Next. Then click Finish

8) Next set up the mail configuration. Add. Select Mail.

9) Enter your name for Display Name. Packet Address for E-mail address.

10) Enter your hostname for Incoming and Outgoing Servers

11) Enter your callsign in the Logon account name

12) Enter your hostname in the Internet Mail Account Name

13) Connect using LAN. Then click Finish.

14) Both your Mail and News accounts should be active now.