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SNOS FILE: Startup.txt


The Startup.txt file resides in the NOS directory. The Startup.txt file contains configuration commands that are specific to a particular packet node machine. Configuration commands in this file override the default values that are set in the Defaults.txt file. Additionally, node identity and interface configurations are established in this file.

A detailed example Startup.txt file is shown below. The file structure is displayed in the left column and a brief description of each configuration command is in the right column. Commands noted as "REQUIRED" mean that they must exist in the file to avoid producing an error event during the start up of SNOS. Additional detail on the various commands used in this file can be found on the SNOS Commands page.

;[==STARTUP.TXT file for NMAR:KD7NKN machine "CA810-466"==]
This is the file title description. The node identity and machine name are stated in this example.
VIDEO MAINST    White Black
Video MAIN      White Black
The VIDEO MAINST(Main Status Bar); SESSIONST (Session Status Bar); and MAIN (Main screen area) commands provide the ability for the SYSOP to change the color preference values. In this example all characters are displayed in white on a black or red background.
SET tnc-1 true
The SET <variable><true|false> command establishs a variable and assigns condition value to the varible. This command is used in conjunction with an IF command. In this example "tnc-1" is the named variable (created by the SYSOP) with its condition value set to true.

LOG FTP    on
LOG POP    on
LOG RT     on
The LOG <function><on|off> command allows the logging of events associated to specific functions in the SNOS program to the system log file. The default value on the logging of these functions is set to off. In this example, logging has been enabled for all of the functions.
IP ADDRESS <host address>

This is the host address of the node.
DOMAIN NAME <hierarchical domain name>

This is the domain name of the node.
MBOX HADDRESS kd7nkn.or.usa.noam
MBOX HADDRESS <hierarchical address>

This is the hierarchical address of the node BBS.
AX25 BBSCALL nmarmb:kd7nkn
AX25 BBSCALL <BBS alias name:callsign>

This is the AX25 protocol alias name and callsign of the BBS.
AX25 MYCALL nmar:kd7nkn-1
AX25 MYCALL < node alias name:callsign-SSID>

This is the AX25 protocol name and callsign with SSID (secondary station identifier) of the node
MSGS off
MSGS <on|off>

Command disables all of the messaging functions (BBS, NNTP, POP, and SMTP), and leaves the node as a functioning router only. This command MUST follow immediately after all of the node and BBS identities have been established as shown by this example. By default all messaging is enabled when this command is not present in the file.
MBOX LID n7fsp
MBOX LID <callsign>

Command forces any received messages that have the stated callsign in the message routing header to be held at the BBS for review by the SYSOP.
DOMAIN TRANSLATE <on|off> sets the translation of IP addresses to either display domain names (on) or IP addresses (off) in the IP routing table. Default setting is off.
DOMAIN ADD <host IP address>

Command adds identified Domain Name System (DNS) server addresses that can be used to resolve domain names to IP addresses. SNOS resolves domain names by first checking the internal Hosts file. If SNOS cannot resolve the domain name internally, then it consults the identified external DNS servers in sequential order (top to bottom).
ATTACH PACKET et1 0x60 1520
ATTACH PACKET <interface name><software interupt><mtu>
Command attaches the packet driver associated with the Ethernet network interface hardware to SNOS. This is required when an Ethernet interface is going to used.

IFCONFIG DESCRIPTION <interface name><"description">
Command assigns a brief text description to the named interface.

IFCONFIG NETMASK <interface name><IP network mask>
Command assigns the IP network mask to the named interface. SNOS uses the network mask to define the IP network and broadcast addresses that the node host address is associated with.
ATTACH BPQENET ax1 0x60 256
IFCONFIG DESCRIPTION ax1 "Ethernet/[10-Mbps]: Link with ORCY"
AX25 SPEED ax1 64000
ATTACH BPQENET <interface name><software interrupt><quality>
Command attaches the BPQ (AX.25)-Ethernet shim to the Ethernet network interface and SNOS. The interface name used in this context must be different than the previously identified Ethernet interface name as it is a AX.25 protocol interface. This is required when two node machines are to be inter-connected using an Ethernet interface.

IFCONFIG DESCRIPTION <interface name><"description">
Command assigns a brief text description to the named interface.

AX25 SPEED <interface name><link speed>
Command assigns an interface speed, in bits-per-second, to named interface. In this example a link speed of 64,000-bps has been assigned to interface ax1.
ATTACH COM com1 0x3f8 4 1280 128 19200

ATTACH COM com2 0x2f8 3 1280 128 19200
ATTACH COM <i/o port><address><interupt><input buffer size><output buffer size><speed>
Command attaches serial communication port/s to SNOS and sets the buffer and port speed parameters. One entry for each serial communication port that is to be used by SNOS.

IFCONFIG DESCRIPTION <interface name><"description">
Command assigns a brief text description to the named interface.
IF tnc-1

ATTACH KISS ax2 com1 0 256 192
IFCONFIG DESCRIPTION ax2 "144.910 MHz/[1K2-Baud]:Link with PARC:W7LT-1"
AX25 SPEED ax2 1200
KISS TXDelay ax2 350
KISS TXTail ax2 35

ATTACH KISS ax3 com1 1 256 224
IFCONFIG DESCRIPTION ax3 "438.920 MHz/[9K6-Baud]:Link with BVCK:KB7ZPJ-3"
AX25 SPEED ax3 9600
KISS TXDelay ax3 50
KISS TXTail ax3 20

The IF <variable> command checks for the existence and condition of the variable which in this case is tnc-1. If the condition of the variable was set to "true" using the SET command as shown above, then the contained commands are invoked. The IF and ENDIF commands are used to contain a group of commands as shown by this example.

ATTACH KISS <interface name><i/o port><tnc radio port><mtu><quality>
Command attaches an AX.25 level interface to SNOS, and identifies the serial communications port (i/o port) and the TNC radio port (0=1st port, 1=2nd port) that is to be used with the interface along with MTU and quality values. The term "KISS" in this command should be replaced with "XKISS" if the TNC being used supports the XKISS protocol.

IFCONFIG DESCRIPTION <interface name><"description">
Command assigns a brief text description to the named interface.

AX25 SPEED <interface name><link speed>
Command assigns an interface speed, in bits-per-second, to named interface.

KISS TXDelay <interface name><period>
Command assigns a delay period in milli-seconds to the named interface which establishes how long the transmitter is to be keyed on before any packets are transmitted.

KISS TXTail <interface name><period>
Command assigns a delay period in milli-seconds to the named interface which establishes how long the transmitter is to be keyed on after all packets are transmitted.

NOTE: All radio ports on a TNC must be assigned, even if not all of them are going to be used.
cron from 00 to 23 each 10 at 5  "MBOX FORWARD"
cron from 00 to 23 each 30 at 6  "EXPIRE KICK"
cron from 00 to 23 each  5 at 8  "KISS UPDATE"
cron from 00 to 23 each 60 at 0  "WP CLEAN"
cron from 00 to 23 each 60 at 9  "CRON SYNC PARET"
cron from 00 to 23 each 60 at 39 "CRON SYNC NIST1.DATUM.COM"
cron from 00 to 23 each 60 at 42 "NETROM BC"
cron from 00 to 23 each 30 at 1  "NETROM ID"
cron from 00 to 23 each 15 at 12 "DIGI SEND KD7NKN-1 BEACON ALL BEACON.TXT"
The CRON command causes specific tasks (commands) to occur repetitively at stated periods and times in a chronological time order. The format is:

CRON from <hour> to <hour> each <period> at <minute> "<cmd>"

<hour> is stated in 24-hour format.
<period> is the elapsed time between executions of the command.
<minute> is the minute after the period.
<cmd> is the command string that is to be executed on the minute.

Referencing the top CRON entry, the command "MBOX FORWARD" will be executed at every 10 minute period, at 5 minutes after the period (i.e. 15, 25, 35, 45, 55), within each hour from 00:00 hours to 23:00 hours

Commands MBOX FORWARD, EXPIRE KICK, KISS UPDATE, CRON SYNC, NETROM BC and ID, and DIGI SEND are required for chronological execution. They need to be continously executed to forward messages, delete out-of-date messages, keep the KISS interfaces current, keep the node clock current, and identify the node for various purposes.
ROUTE ADDPRIVATE default et1 10
ROUTE ADDPRIVATE <default|host IP address><interface name><gateway><metric>

This command adds a private non-broadcasted route to the SNOS IP routing table. If the target host IP address is set to "default", then packets to any IP host or network addresses not found in the routing table will be directed to this private route.
RT LINK bvck:kb7zpj-3
RT LINK parc:w7lt-1
RT LINK <node alias name:callsign-SSID>

The RT LINK command adds packet roundtable connections to adajacent nodes to facilitate roundtable conversations among multiple users. In this example, there are two neighboring nodes that have direct links into this node.
MONITOR on ax2 in out text
These MONITOR commands allow the SYSOP to view port activity either locally at the node console by executing the MONITOR SHOW command and or utilizing the MONITOR HOST command to send monitored activity to a Windows machine attached to the node's Ethernet LAN port and using the simple monitor program SOCKVIEWPORT.

Written by KA7IJK, October 13, 2005