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How To Build a SNOS Packet Node Computer


The building of a SNOS packet node computer from a collection of used and or new materials is relatively straight forward and can be an enjoyable experience in the process. This instruction guide will help in making the assembly process easy to accomplish.

In this set of step-by-step instructions, the builder will learn what the minimum hardware and operating system requirements are, how to assemble a MS-DOS core operating system from a Windows 95/98/98SE environment, and how to configure the hardware to get a basic system up and running. Additional guidance may be obtained by consulting with SYSOP's who are already running SNOS packet nodes.

Table of Contents

Minimum Hardware Requirements
Optional Hardware Requirements
Operating System Requirements
Preparing the Computer
Installation and Configuration of SNOS Software
Configuration of Optional Hardware Interfaces

Minimum Hardware Requirements

The absolute minimum hardware requirements for SNOS to operate are as follows:

Optional Hardware Requirements

This is a list of optional hardware requirements to facilitate TCP/IP communications with the SNOS node from either another SNOS node or Windows machine on the same network, and additional serial COM ports for connectivity to more than one packet TNC.

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Operating System Requirements

The list below contains several Operating System options.

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Preparing the Computer

The initial task in preparing the computer is to determine its configuration. Does it meet the minimum hardware specifications defined above? What does it use for the Operating System? These questions can be answered by both visual inspection and utilization of the computer's Operating System management tools. If it meets both the hardware and software requirements, then it is time to begin the construction process.

The following steps will produce a computer that has MS-DOS 7.10 for its operating system and a clean hard disk drive that will be ready for the installation of SNOS and optional hardware.

  1. Remove all non-essential hardware from the computer. This would include items such as sound cards, modems, CD-ROM drives and video cards.

  2. Remove dust and dirt from the interior of the computer. Get the interior as clean a possible to help guard against any future component failures.

  3. If the computer has a Windows9x operating system, then locate and copy the following MS-DOS files onto a 1.44-MB floppy disk.

    To make the disk bootable, the system files (MSDOS.SYS, IO.SYS, and COMMAND.COM,) should be be copied across by using the command string SYS C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND A: from the command prompt at the \WINDOWS\COMMAND directory.

    MS-DOS File Name From Windows Directory To Floppy Disk Directory Comments
    MSDOS.SYS Root (i.e. C:\) Root REQUIRED Hidden system file.
    IO.SYS Root, :\Windows\Command\EBD Root REQUIRED Hidden system file. File Directory EBD=Emergency Boot Disk.
    COMMAND.COM Root, :\Windows\Command\EBD Root REQUIRED This is the command interpreter for MS-DOS.
    ATTRIB.EXE :\Windows\Command DOS REQUIRED Provides ability to change file attributes.
    CHKDSK.EXE :\Windows\Command DOS Optional. Used to check the hard drive for any cross-linked files or errors.
    CHOICE.COM :\Windows\Command DOS Optional. May be used in AUTOEXEC.BAT file to provide choice between defaulting into SNOS or going to the DOS command if the menu option detailed in these instructions is not used.
    DELTREE.EXE :\Windows\Command DOS Optional. Used to permanently delete files and directories.
    EDIT.COM :\Windows\Command DOS REQUIRED Used to edit files in MS-DOS mode.
    EMM386.EXE :\Windows DOS REQUIRED Used in the CONFIG.SYS file.
    FDISK.EXE :\Windows\Command DOS REQUIRED Used for partitioning the Fixed (Hard) Disk drive.
    FIND.EXE :\Windows\Command DOS Optional. Used to find text strings within a file.
    FORMAT.COM :\Windows\Command DOS REQUIRED Used for formating of hard disk drive after partitioning it.
    HIMEM.SYS :\Windows\Command DOS REQUIRED Used in the CONFIG.SYS file.
    MEM.EXE :\Windows\Command DOS REQUIRED Used to check memory block usage.
    MORE.COM :\Windows\Command DOS Optional. Used to page through large files when viewing them.
    MOVE.EXE :\Windows\Command DOS Optional. Used to move files from one directory to another directory.
    MSCDEX.EXE :\Windows\Command DOS Optional. Used to identify and allocate memory for the CD-ROM drive.
    OAKCDROM.SYS :\Windows\Command\EBD DOS Optional. Used as a system driver for the CD-ROM drive.
    SCANDISK.EXE :\Windows\Command DOS REQUIRED Used to find any errors or faults on hard disk drive.
    SETVER.EXE :\Windows DOS Optional. Used in the CONFIG.SYS file.
    SMARTDRV.EXE :\Windows DOS REQUIRED SNOS checks for the existence of this file.
    SYS.COM :\Windows\Command DOS REQUIRED Used for copying the operating system files (MSDOS.SYS, IO.SYS) from one system disk to another.
    XCOPY.EXE :\Windows\Command DOS REQUIRED Used for copying directories and subdirectories.
    XCOPY32.EXE :\Windows\Command DOS REQUIRED Used for copying directories and subdirectories.
    XCOPY.MOD :\Windows\Command DOS REQUIRED Used when using either XCOPY or XCOPY32 executable files.

  4. Verify that the floppy disk is bootable by restarting the computer with the disk seated in the floppy disk drive. The computer should boot up and display a MS-DOS level prompt for the floppy disk drive. The ability to view the hard disk drive should be checked by entering the drive designator (typically C:) at the prompt. Also double-check the file structure on the floppy disk to ensure that all of the required files on the above list are present. Lock the floppy disk to keep from accidentally over-writing it after all of the verification tasks in this step have been completed. Label the disk "MS-DOS 7.10 Boot Disk".

  5. IMPORTANT!! Execution of this step will cause the hard disk drive partitioning and contents to be removed. Insure that the hard disk drive and or the contents have been backed up should there be anything of value on it.

    Boot the computer off the MS-DOS 7.10 Boot Disk and then execute the FDISK command from the DOS sub-directory. Follow the instructions and menu options to delete the existing partitions and create a new primary DOS partition. The new partition should be not less than 850 mega-Bytes or greater than 1.0 giga-Bytes in size.

  6. Re-boot the computer off the MS-DOS 7.10 Boot Disk. Enter the command string PATH=A:;A:\DOS which will establish a path to the DOS sub-directory from the root directory.

  7. Execute command string FORMAT C: /S. This command will format the partitioned area of the hard disk drive and copy the MS-DOS system files from the floppy disk to the hard disk.

  8. Copy all of the floppy disk contents to hard disk using the command string XCOPY A:\*.* C:\ /E/K

  9. Re-boot the computer off the hard disk drive. The computer should boot directly to the MS-DOS prompt with the drive letter and root directory "C:>" being displayed. Verify that the DOS sub-directory and the file contents exist by entering the command DIR at the root directory and then again after changing to the DOS directory using the CD DOS command string.

  10. From the DOS directory, edit a new config.sys file beginning with the command string edit c:\config.sys which will open the new file with the MS-DOS Editor (EDIT.COM). Type the following text into the new file as shown below:
    device=\dos\emm386.exe ram noems
    Save and close the file by selecting the ALT-F key combination to display the File pop-up menu, followed by the "X" key to Exit the Editor, and then answer "Yes" to save the file upon exiting.

  11. From the DOS directory, edit a new autoexec.bat file beginning with the command string edit c:\autoexec.bat Type the following text into the new file as shown below:
    LOADHIGH \dos\smartdrv a- b- c+
    \dos\scandisk c: /autofix/nosummary/nosave
    Save and close the file by selecting the ALT-F key combination to display the File pop-up menu, followed by the "X" key to Exit the Editor, and then answer "Yes" to save the file upon exiting.

  12. Re-boot the computer and observe the boot-up process. The computer should boot-up, perform the scandisk operation, and complete by displaying the prompt "C:>" without any errors.
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Installation and Configuration of SNOS Software

The SNOS Software package is loaded on to the computer in the form of an executable file. The file extracts various system and supporting files on to the computer hard drive, creating the NOS directory and several sub-directories in the process. When SNOS is initially loaded several default configuration files are loaded as well.

The following steps will setup the computer up for the installation and configuration of the SNOS software. Upon completion, the computer will be operational as a simple SNOS Packet Node.

  1. From the root directory "C:>", enter the command string mkdir c:\TMP to create the TMP directory. This directory is used by SNOS for internal operations. It is also where the SNOS executable file will be placed later on in this set of steps.

  2. From the root directory "C:>", enter the command string mkdir c:\UTIL to create the UTIL directory. This directory will contain various software drivers for expansion hardware (i.e. serial port and Ethernet interface cards) and other miscellaneous utility type files.

  3. From the root directory "C:>", enter the command string mkdir c:\NOS to create the NOS directory.

  4. edit a new simple NOS startup file beginning with the command string edit c:\nos\startup.txt Type the following text into the new file as shown below:
    ip address
    domain name
    mbox haddress n7qrm.or.usa.noam
    ax25 bbscall  nonemb:n7qrm
    ax25 mycall   none:n7qrm-1
    If a valid IP address, domain name, and node identity assignments have been established, then those assignments should entered in place of the fictitious information shown above.

    For more detailed instructions and information on this required file in its expanded configuration, refer to configuration file startup.txt in the configuration files section of the SNOS documentation.

  5. Edit the existing autoexec.bat file (edit c:\config.sys) so that it reads as follows when finished:
    menuitem=DOS,MS-DOS 7.10
    rem This menublock SNOS required for process
    rem This menublock DOS required for process
    device=\dos\emm386.exe ram noems
    The additions made to this file will create a simple menu that will allow the user to start either SNOS or MS-DOS.

  6. Edit the existing autoexec.bat file (edit c:\autoexec.bat) so that it reads as follows when finished:
    \dos\scandisk c: /autofix/nosummary/nosave
    LOADHIGH \dos\smartdrv a- b- c+
    MODE CON: columns=80 lines=50
    SET tmp=\tmp
    SET temp=\tmp
    rem SET TZ=PST8PDT
    IF EXIST \tmp\snos.exe snos.exe
    The additions made to this file will cause the computer to test the environmental variable CONFIG and check for the existence of the SNOS.exe executable file in the TMP directory when booting up.

    Note the environmental variable TZ which allows the SYSOP to adjust the time zone for the node. For Pacific Standard Time use TZ=PST8 and for Pacific Daylight Savings Time set TZ=PST8PDT. The SYSOP will have to change this setting by remarking (rem) out the TZ line not being used when local clocks are adjusted to or from Daylight Savings Time.

  7. Download a stable release of SNOS (i.e. SNOS Version 1.2R Installer) from the W0RLI Ham Radio Software web page on to a 1.44-Mb floppy disk. Insert the disk into the computer's floppy drive and copy the file into the TMP directory. Rename the file in the TMP directory as "snos.exe".

  8. Re-boot the computer and observe the boot-up process. The computer should boot-up, and prompt the user to make a menu selection. Without any response from the user within the 15 second countdown, the computer will default to SNOS and advance to the scandisk operation, and then initiate the SNOS.exe file. Depending on the computer processor speed, it could take several minutes for the file execution process to finish. The SNOS program will then start, and when finished with initialization, the NOS prompt will be displayed. There should not be any errors reports displayed which will indicate that SNOS initiated properly.

  9. Return to the MS-DOS prompt by typing the word "exit" at the SNOS prompt. Reboot the computer and select MS-DOS 7.10 as the system that the computer will initialize on.

  10. Edit the existing NOS startup file (edit c:\nos\startup.txt)so that it reads as follows when finished:
    ip address
    domain name
    mbox haddress n7qrm.or.usa.noam
    ax25 bbscall  nonemb:n7qrm
    ax25 mycall   none:n7qrm-1
    attach com com1 0x3f8 4 1280 128 19200
    ifconfig description com1 "com1"
    attach kiss ax2 com1 0 256 192
    ifconfig description ax2 " MHz/[1K2-Baud]:{Brief comment here}"
    ifconfig mtu ax2 128
    ax25 speed ax2 1200
    kiss TXDelay ax2 350
    kiss TXTail ax2 40
    attach kiss ax3 com1 1 256 224
    ifconfig description ax3 " MHz/[9K6-Baud]:{Brief comment here}"
    ax25 speed ax3 9600
    kiss TXDelay ax3 50
    kiss TXTail ax3 20
    The additions will attach serial port "com1" and kiss interfaces "ax2" and "ax3" in SNOS.

    The serial COM port speed is set to 19200-Baud. Make certain that the TNC serial port can support this line speed. If the TNC cannot support 19200-Baud, then set the COM port speed to the highest value that can be supported by the TNC.

    If a single port 1200-Baud TNC (i.e. Kantronics KPC3 or KPC3+) is to be used, then all of the command lines containing "ax3" need to be removed. Regardless of whether a single port or dual port (1200/9600 baud) TNC is used, the TNC will need to be put into the KISS mode. If the TNC supports XKISS, then the "attach kiss..." command should be changed to "attach xkiss..." in order that a proper interface may be established between the TNC and SNOS.

  11. Connect the TNC to the computer, change the serial communications port line speed on the TNC in accordance with the TNC operating instructions and put the TNC into either KISS or XKISS mode. Note that any terminal communications software used with the TNC should be loaded into the UTIL directory. Re-start or re-boot the TNC if neccessary to ensure that the new settings are active. Any radios attached to the TNC should be powered off at this time.

  12. Re-boot the computer and observe the start up process of SNOS. The TNC lamps should illuminate randomly for a couple of seconds. This event will confirm that SNOS is communicating with the TNC. There should not be any errors reports displayed which will indicate that SNOS was able to attach to the interfaces properly. Further verification can be made by entering into the node screen (command "node" at the nos prompt) and then typing the string "c ax2 test". The TNC port 0 transmit indicator will then cycle on and off five times.

    At this point, the basic installation and configuration of the SNOS software has been completed and the node is at an operational state. Review the documentation on all of the configuration files in order to refine the node functions. Also, proceed to the next section to add optional hardware.

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Configuration of Optional Hardware Interfaces

This section provides some information on the configuration of optional hardware for both Ethernet and Serial interfaces. The information is specific to the recommended hardware noted in the Optional Hardware Requirements section of this document. Devices from different manufacturers will use similar driver files and have similar configurations in the node computer autoexec.bat and startup.txt files. Thus one is free to use whatever hardware they choose provided the appropriate driver software exists.

Add an Ethernet Interface:
  1. With the computer powered down, insert the Ethernet network interface card into a PCI slot. Re-start the computer and select MS-DOS as the operating mode.

  2. Edit the autoexec.bat file and insert a command line that will activate the communications driver for the installed Ethernet card. The command should be initiated (follow) after smartdrv has been loaded. For the recommended hardware, the command would be: DLKRTS 0x60 -m 10full

  3. Edit the startup.txt file and add the following lines before the existing "attach com com1" set of instructions.
    attach packet et1 0x60 1520
    ifconfig description et1 "Ethernet Port"
    ifconfig netmask     et1
    attach bpqenet ax1 0x60 256 252
    ifconfig description ax1 "Ethernet/[10-Mbps]: {Brief comment here}"
    ax25 speed ax1 64000

  4. At MS-DOS prompt, type autoexec.bat to start the autoexec.bat file. The communications driver for the Ethernet card should initiate and establish successful communications with the Ethernet card. This will be displayed in the form of status information scrolling up the monitor screen.

  5. Re-boot the computer and allow it to start SNOS. There should not be any errors reported after the initiation process has completed. Additionally, port AX1 should now be displayed when the command netrom ports is entered at the NOS command prompt.

Add a Serial Port Interface
  1. With the computer powered down, insert the serial port interface card into a PCI slot. Re-start the computer and select MS-DOS as the operating mode.

  2. Edit the autoexec.bat file and insert a command line that will activate the communications driver for the installed serial card. The command should be initiated (follow) after smartdrv has been loaded. For the recommended hardware, the command would be: CB20XPC

  3. Edit the startup.txt file and add the following lines after the first "attach com com1" set of instructions:
    attach com com2 0x3e8 11 1280 128 19200
    ifconfig description com2 "com2"
    attach com com3 0x2e8 11 1280 128 19200
    ifconfig description com3 "com3"
    Note the entries are for a dual serial port card and are using IRQ 11 for the hardware interupt.

  4. At MS-DOS prompt, type autoexec.bat to start the autoexec.bat file. The communications driver for the serial port card should initiate and establish successful communications with the card. This will be displayed in the form of status information scrolling up the monitor screen.

  5. Re-boot the computer and allow it to start SNOS. There should not be any errors reported after the initiation process has completed. Additionally, ports com2 and com3 should now be displayed when the command com status is entered at the NOS command prompt.

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Written by David Warner, KA7IJK, December 11, 2005
Updated January 1, 2006