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SNOS FILE: Permits.txt


The permits.txt file resides in the NOS directory. It contains the user login names and passwords for users who want to use their email client software (i.e. Outlook Express or similar) to retrieve email messages from the SNOS packet mail server. The SNOS packet mail server adheres to the Internet POP3 (Post Office Protocol version 3) standard.

The file has two columns (fields) of information. The left column contains the individual user login names and the right column contains the associated passwords. Both the login name and password are case sensitive.

The user login name is typically the user's callsign. It is limited to six (6) characters in length. The login name is also the SNOS mail server (BBS) TAG value that is assigned to incoming messages addressed to the user. The TAG value is automatically established by the user registering on the BBS and identifying the BBS as their home, or by the SYSOP making an entry in the BBS White Pages. A specific TAG value can be manually entered in the REWRITE.TXT file by the SYSOP.

Displayed below are the example contents of a simple permits.txt file. Note that the top row begins with a semi-colon, this line is viewed as a remark or comment line and thus is ignored by the SNOS program.

Example File

;Login Password
Hank *
W0RLI hank
kd7qso connie

Written by KA7IJK, September 15, 2005