Welcome to SNOS


SNOS is software to link tcp/ip into the existing AX.25 BBS store and forward network. SNOS gateways Bulletins to and from News Articles and Email to and from Personal Messages. SNOS is run on a junker DOS machine.

At this point in time, SNOS is working well but the documentation is incomplete and often incorrect. The documentation will be added little by little, as time permits or volunteers appear.

This web page, and the pages it references are contained in the docs subdiretory in the SNOS archive. You can view them by pointing your web browser at SNOS once it is installed.

About SNOS

SNOS Environment Variables.

SNOS Configuration Files

Configuring Interfaces

Files Created by SNOS

Client Computer TCP/IP Network Setup Procedure

Setup Procedure for Email and Newsgroup Accounts

Articles, Bulletins and Messages

Message and Article Processing

SNOS Commands

Web server features

How to Build a SNOS Packet Node Computer

SNOS Website
Email Hank