Web Server features

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General features

This is a minimal web server implementation, and in general only handles the canonical form of most headers. It has been tested only with Internet Explorer and Netscape. MIME definitions are in file mime.txt.

Methods supported:


Status responses produced:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found

Incoming headers honored:

Cookie: <cookie1> <cookie2> ...
Content-length: <length>
Content-type: <mime type>
Connection: Keep-Alive
Connection: close
If-Modified-Since: <timestamp>

Outgoing headers produced:

Date: <timestamp>
Server: <host name>
Connection: Keep-Alive
Connection: close
Last-Modified: <timestamp>
Cache-Control: no-cache
Pragma: no-cache
Set-Cookie: <cookie> expires=<timestamp>; path=<path>
Content-Type: <mime type>
Content-Length: <length>

Server side includes: General


The tag is replaced with the output of the command sent in the GET or POST.

<!--#include file=<file path>-->

The tag is replaced by the contents of the file. The file must be a text file, inclusion of other mime types is not supported.

<!--#include var=<variable name>-->

The value of the variable is displayed.

<!--#include var=call-->System callsign
<!--#include var= host-->System host name
<!--#include var= url-->Current URL
<!--#include var= user-->Current user name

Server side includes: Conditional Text


The following text will be displayed only if the user has logged in.


The following text will be displayed only if the user has logged in and has sysop permission.


The display state is reversed.


The following text will always be displayed.

Server side includes: Status Information

<!--#show axc-->AX.25 Connections
<!--#show com-->COM ports
<!--#show mem-->COM ports
<!--#show nrc-->NET/ROM Connections
<!--#show msglist-->List of messages
<!--#show msg-->Display a message
<!--#show pk-->Packet Driver Interfaces
<!--#show st-->System Status
<!--#show svr-->Services