SNOS Commands: netrom

NET/ROM commands.

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NET/ROM Control and Status
netrom bcnodes [<interface>]Broadcast the NET/ROM node list
netrom idSend the NET/ROM ID beacon
netrom nodes [<node>]Display known nodes, or infmation about one node
netrom portsDisplay list of available ports
netrom routesDisplay existing routes
netrom status [<control block>]Display status of one or all NET/ROM connections
NET/ROM Parameters.
netrom ackdelay <value>Delayed acknowledge, milliseconds
netrom bcdead <value>Remove node from list if not heard about, seconds
netrom clearTimeout a choke condition, seconds
netrom frackmax <value>Max to wait before retrying, milliseconds
netrom frackmin <value>Min to wait before retrying, milliseconds
netrom maxframe <value>xx
netrom maxroutes <value>xx
netrom minqual <value>xx
netrom qlimit <Maximum incoming queue before CHOKE, bytes>xx
netrom retry <value>xx
netrom ttl <value>xx