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Setup Procedure for Email and Newsgroup Accounts

This procedure will cause the packet user (Client) to setup email and newsgroup accounts on a computer running Microsoft Outlook Express or similar client software. Once the setup has been completed, the user will be able to receive and send PRIVATE email and BULLETIN messages when directly connected to the SNOS packet node computer (Server) across the Ethernet (Local Area Network) interfaces of both computers.

The successful completion of this procedure is dependent on the "Client Computer TCP/IP Network Setup Procedure" having been finished, and the prior creation of a user packet mail account (i.e. n7qrm@kd7qso.or.usa.noam) on the SNOS mail server. Please take note that the SNOS mail server SYSOP must create a user entry in the server's PERMITS.TXT file and advise the user of the account information to be entered in this setup procedure. If any of these tasks have not been completed, then complete them now.

The time required to set-up and successfully test the Client Application configurations should take less than fifteen minutes.

Setup of Packet Email Account in Microsoft Outlook Express

  1. Open Outlook Express and select Tools from the top menu bar.

  2. Select Accounts from the Tools pull-down menu.

  3. Select the Add button displayed on the right side of the Internet Accounts window.

  4. Select the Mail option displayed in the pop-up window.

  5. Now in the Internet Connection Wizard, enter the packet email address (i.e. n7qrm@kd7qso.or.usa.noam) in the Display name field and then select the Next button.

  6. Enter the packet email address (i.e. n7qrm@kd7qso.or.usa.noam) in the E-mail address field and then select the Next button.

  7. Make the following selections and entries for the E-Mail Server Names.
    • Incoming mail server is a: POP3
    • Incoming mail (POP3, IMAP or HTTP) server: (i.e.
    • Outgoing mail (SMTP) server: (i.e.
    • Select the Next button.

  8. Make the following selections and entries for the Internet Mail Logon.
    • Account name: n7qrm (Note: this entry is case sensitive, enter exactly what was provided by node SYSOP).
    • Password: n7qrm (Note: this entry is case sensitive, enter exactly what was provided by node SYSOP).
    • Checkmark the Remember password option.
    • Un-checkmark the Log on using Secure Password Authentication option.
    • Select the Next button.

  9. Select the Finish button on the Congratulations page of the Internet Connection Wizard.

  10. Select the Mail tab in the Internet Accounts window.

  11. Select the Properties button.

  12. Select the Connection Tab in the Properties window.
    • Checkmark the option Always connect to this account using:
    • Select the Local Area Network option from the pull-down menu.
    • Select the Apply and then the OK buttons at the bottom of the Properties window.

  13. Close the Internet Accounts window.

  14. Select Tools from the top menu bar.

  15. Select the Send tab displayed in the Options window.

  16. Under the heading Mail Sending Format select the Plain Text option.

  17. Select the Plain Text Settings button.
    • Message format is MIME
    • Encode text using: None
    • Automatically wrap text at 70 characters, when sending
    • Checkmark the option "Indent the orginal text with > when replying or forwarding.
    • Select OK to close the window

  18. Select the Apply button to apply the option settings.

  19. Select the General tab displayed in the Options window.
    • In the Send/Receive Messages section, checkmark the "Check for new messages every xx minutes" option. Set the elapsed minutes value to 5.
    • Select the Apply and OK buttons to apply the settings and close the Options window.

  20. Test the new Account.
    1. From the local SNOS node BBS console, compose a Private message to configured user account(i.e. sp n7qrm@kd7qso.or.usa.noam). After entering the subject line and message text, conclude the message by entering the character string /ex. The BBS will respond back with a message saved reply.
    2. In Outlook Express compose a new message addressed to configured user account (i.e. sp n7qrm@kd7qso.or.usa.noam). Save and close the composed message.
    3. Select Send/Receive from the top menu bar. Observe that no errors are reported. Upon completion of the command the following should have occurred:
      • The message composed in Outlook Express is no longer being held in the Outbox and is now present on the SNOS packet node BBS.
      • The message composed on the SNOS packet node BBS is now in the Outlook Express Inbox.


Setup of Packet Newsgroup Account in Microsoft Outlook Express

  1. Open Outlook Express and select Tools from the top menu bar.

  2. Select Accounts from the Tools pull-down menu.

  3. Select the Add button displayed on the right side of the Internet Accounts window.

  4. Select the News option displayed in the pop-up window.

  5. Now in the Internet Connection Wizard, enter the packet email address (i.e. n7qrm@kd7qso.or.usa.noam) in the Display name field and then select the Next button.

  6. Enter the packet email address (i.e. n7qrm@kd7qso.or.usa.noam) in the E-mail address field and then select the Next button.

  7. Make the following selections and entries for the Internet News Server Name.
    • News (NNTP) server: (i.e.
    • Un-checkmark the "My news server requires me to log on" option.
    • Outgoing mail (SMTP) server: (i.e.
    • Select the Next button
  8. Select the Finish button on the Congratulations page of the Internet Connection Wizard.

  9. Select the News tab in the Internet Accounts window.

  10. Select the Properties button.

  11. Select the Connection Tab in the Properties window.
    • Checkmark the option Always connect to this account using:
    • Select the Local Area Network option from the pull-down menu.
    • Select the Apply and then the OK buttons at the bottom of the Properties window.

  12. Close the Internet Accounts window.

  13. Test the new Account.
    1. In the Folders view on left side of the Outlook Express screen, highlight the folder named (This is the server name that was entered in step 7 above.)

    2. Select the Newsgroups button shown in the right window view.

    3. Subscribe to some of the newsgroups that are of interest such as (i.e..alt.pdx.sysop or alt.or.ares).

    4. Checkmark the New messages only option.

    5. Select the Synchronize Account to download selected newsgroup messages for viewing.

    6. Open and read messages of interest.



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Date Last Reviewed: September 15, 2005 by KA7IJK