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Why "SNOS"?

SNOS is an acronym for "Simple Network Operating System."

SNOS requires DOS and is intended to be used as a stand alone router box to link the typical internet applications (email, news) to the ham radio BBS network.

SNOS receives incoming personal messages and bulletins from the BBS network and gateways them to email or newsgroups as appropriate.

SNOS receives incoming email and news articles from internet applications and gateways them to BBS personal messages and bulletins.

SNOS Features


* AX.25 networking, digipeating not supported, large window supported.
* AX.25 over Ethernet using BPQENET protocol.
* NET/ROM networking.
* Adaptive FRACK and MAXFRAME with AX.25 and NET/ROM.
* IP over Ethernet, AX.25 and NET/ROM.
* Raw COM port terminal, for TNC setup.
* Monitoring on all interfaces except raw COM ports.


* MailBox with Compressed batch forwarding.
* ftp server.
* http server including cookies and server-side includes.
* nntp server.
* pop3 server.
* smtp server.
* telnet server and client.
* ping.
* Domain Name Service.


* Gateway between telnet - AX.25 - NET/ROM.
* BBS message <-> email gateway.
* BBS bulletin <-> usenet news gateway.
* FCC callsign server.
* NetWalker.
* RoundTable.
* Web based remote administration.
* RIP routing.
* ARP / RIP / ROUTE autodiscovery.