; This is startup for FSHCRN.KB7ZPJ set tnc1 true set MFJ1270C false set tnc3 false set de56 false set bpq false set enet true ; System identification: ; grid CN85nh domain name fshcrn.kb7zpj.ampr.org. ip address mbox haddress kb7zpj.or.usa.noam ax25 bbscall fshcmb:kb7zpj-2 ax25 mycall fshcrn:kb7zpj-3 ;DNS COnfiguration domain translate off ; Show IP addresses instead of domain names. domain add ; Add Domain Name Server (BCTONLINE.COM) ; Access via ADSL circuit at ORCY ; lid protection mbox lid kd7hah mbox lid wa7v mbox lid wb7awl mbox lid n7fsp mbox lid ct2hky ;mbox lid 7m3tjz netrom ignore kd7hah-1 netrom ignore kd7hah-2 netrom ignore m1cuk-1 netrom ignore ik1znw-13 netrom ignore lx0ist-2 netrom ignore ok0npg ; *** Interfaces. ; *** Ethernet If enet attach packet et1 0x60 1520 ifconfig description et1 "Ethernet" ifconfig netmask et1 ;ifconfig broadcast et1 ;tcp syndata et1 off EndIf ; BPQENET. If bpq attach bpqenet ax1 0x60 256 ifconfig description ax1 "House Ethernet" ax25 speed ax1 64000 ax25 maxframe ax1 7 EndIf attach com com1 0x3f8 4 1024 64 19200 ifconfig description com1 "com1" attach com com2 0x2f8 3 1024 64 19200 ifconfig description com2 "com2" attach com com3 0x3e8 11 1024 64 19200 ifconfig description com3 "com3" ;attach com com4 0x2e8 10 1024 64 19200 ;ifconfig description com4 "com4" ;attach com com5 0x250 5 1024 64 19200 ;ifconfig description com5 "com5" If tnc1 ; KPC9612 1200 baud port attach kiss ax2 com2 0 256 ifconfig description ax2 "No Radio" ax25 speed ax2 1200 kiss TxDelay ax2 300 ; TXD in ms. kiss Persist ax2 255 ; Persist kiss SlotTime ax2 100 ; Slot time in ms. kiss TxTail ax2 30 ; TX tail in ms. kiss FullDup ax2 0 ; Full duplex off ;KPC9612 9600 baud port attach kiss ax3 com2 1 256 224 a ifconfig description ax3 "223.70 to BVRCRK, 9600 baud" ax25 speed ax3 9600 kiss TxDelay ax3 80 ; TXD, ms. kiss Persist ax3 255 ; Persist kiss SlotTime ax3 100 ; Slot time, ms. kiss TxTail ax3 20 ; TX tail in ms. kiss FullDup ax3 0 ; Full duplex off EndIf If de56 attach kiss ax2 com1 0 256 224 ifconfig description ax2 " 9600 baud" tcp window ax2 8192 ax25 speed ax2 9600 kiss TxDelay ax2 80 ; TXD in ms. kiss TxTail ax2 20 ; TX tail in ms. kiss Persist ax2 255 kiss SlotTime ax2 100 ; Slot time in ms. kiss FullDup ax2 0 attach kiss ax3 com1 1 256 224 ifconfig description ax3 " 1200 baud" tcp window ax3 8192 ax25 speed ax3 1200 kiss TxDelay ax3 300 ; TXD in ms. kiss TxTail ax3 30 ; TX tail in ms. kiss Persist ax3 255 kiss SlotTime ax3 100 ; Slot time in ms. kiss FullDup ax3 0 EndIf ; DNS information. domain add paret ; For all non ham radio ; Routing information. route add default et1 2 ;cron from 00 to 23 each 10 at 5 "mbox forward" ;cron from 00 to 23 each 30 at 6 "expire kick" cron from 00 to 23 each 5 at 8 "kiss update" ;cron from 02 to 02 each 60 at 0 "wp clean" cron from 00 to 23 each 30 at 0 "netrom id" cron from 00 to 23 each 15 at 12 "digi send kb7zpj-3 beacon all beacon.txt" rt link bvrcrk:kb7zpj-6 ; rt timeout 600 ; NetWalker setup nw tries 3 nw usecall on ; Start servers and listeners. start ; Systems with which we exchange routing tables. ; Send our routing table. netrom bc