; This is startup for cedar.k7iqi ; *** Conditional startup. ; What serial card is in the system? Set cybera true ;Cyberserial 4-port card Set std true ;Single serial port cards (hardware COM1 and COM2) ; What TNCs are connected? Set kpc9612#1 true ;AX25 ports ax2 & ax3 Set kpc9612#2 true ;AX25 ports ax6 & ax7 Set kpc9612#3 true ;AX25 ports ax8 & ax9 Set kpc9612#4 true ;AX25 ports ax10 & ax11 Set kpc9612#5 false ;AX25 port ax12 ; *** Basic setup. ; System identification: ; host name, IP address, AX.25 and NET/ROM callsigns: ip address domain name cedar.k7iqi.ampr.org mbox haddress k7iqi.or.usa.noam ax25 bbscall cdrmb:k7iqi ; BBS callsign and outgoing connects. ax25 mycall cedar:k7iqi-1 ; Node call. log expire on log ftp on ;log http on ;log nntp on log pop on log proc on log rt on expire bull 15 wp update pdx netrom minqual 83 ;Ignore messages from these stations ;mbox lid w1ngl ;mbox lid wa7v ;mbox lid n7fsp ;These nodes are ignored totally if seen in a node broadcast ;netrom ignore ka7dcq-9 ;netrom ignore k7yfj-4 ; Salem area landline lids ;netrom ignore w1ngl-1 ;netrom ignore w1ngl-2 ;netrom ignore w1ngl-3 ;netrom ignore w1ngl-4 ;netrom ignore w1ngl-4 ;netrom ignore ka0dfn-1 ;netrom ignore wx7mfr ;netrom ignore wx7mfr-8 netrom ignore ks0f-2 ; Hear node broadcasts, but there are over 40 unreachable nodes. ; So just ignore the nodes broadcasts. ; netrom ignorebc * n7qme-1 ; *** Interfaces. ; Ethernet. attach packet et1 0x60 1520 ifconfig description et1 "House Ethernet" ifconfig netmask et1 attach bpqenet ax1 0x60 256 ifconfig description ax1 "Ethernet/[10-Mbps]: Link with CEDAR LAN" ax25 speed ax1 64000 ; *** Serial ports. If cybera attach com s1 0x3e8 12 1280 64 19200 850 ifconfig description s1 "s1" attach com s2 0x2e8 12 1280 64 19200 850 ifconfig description s2 "s2" attach com s3 0x7400 12 1280 64 19200 850 ifconfig description s3 "s3" attach com s4 0x7800 12 1280 64 19200 850 ifconfig description s4 "s4" EndIf If std attach com s5 0x3f8 4 1280 64 19200 ifconfig description s5 "s5" ;NOTE: This is machine's hardware detected COM1 attach com s6 0x2f8 3 1280 64 19200 ifconfig description s6 "s6" ;NOTE: This is machine's hardware detected COM2 EndIf ; *** TNC port configuration If kpc9612#1 attach xkiss ax2 s1 0 256 ifconfig description ax2 "144.9800 MHz/[1K2-Baud]: CEDAR Node User Access" ax25 speed ax2 1200 kiss TxDelay ax2 275 attach xkiss ax3 s1 1 256 ifconfig description ax3 "423.2500 MHz/[9K6-Baud]: Link with BVRTN" ax25 speed ax3 9600 kiss TxDelay ax3 150 kiss TxTail ax3 30 ax25 quality ax3 185 Endif If kpc9612#2 attach xkiss ax6 s2 0 256 ifconfig description ax6 "145.6300 MHz/[1K2-Baud]: CEDAR Node User Access" ax25 speed ax6 1200 kiss TxDelay ax6 275 attach xkiss ax7 s2 1 256 ifconfig description ax7 "441.0125 MHz/[9K6-Baud]: Link with ESALEM" ax25 speed ax7 9600 kiss TxDelay ax7 90 Endif If kpc9612#3 ;attach xkiss ax8 s3 0 256 ;ifconfig description ax8 "xxx.xxxx MHz/[1K2-Baud]: No Radio" ;ax25 speed ax8 1200 ;kiss TxDelay ax8 275 attach xkiss ax9 s3 1 256 ifconfig mtu ax9 160 ifconfig description ax9 "439.0000 MHz/[9K6-Baud]: Link to ALOHA and ECWASH" ax25 speed ax9 9600 kiss TxDelay ax9 250 kiss TxTail ax9 30 Endif If kpc9612#4 ; attach xkiss ax10 s4 0 256 ; ifconfig description ax10 "xxx.xxxx MHz/[1K2-Baud]: No Radio" ; ax25 speed ax10 1200 ; kiss TxDelay ax10 275 attach xkiss ax11 s4 1 256 ifconfig description ax11 "441.5000 MHz/[9K6-Baud]: Link to PARET" ax25 speed ax11 9600 kiss TxDelay ax11 120 Endif If kpc9612#5 attach xkiss ax12 s5 0 256 ifconfig description ax12 "future" ax25 speed ax12 1200 EndIf ; *** ; digi echo id,beacon,aprs all other digi echo aprs all other ; *** Monitoring monitor host ken:8009 monitor on ax9 i o t monitor on ax11 i o t ; monitor on ax6 i o t ; montior on et1 i o t h ; monitor on ax7 i o t ; Link RoundTable to these nodes. rt link paret:w0rli-1 rt link aloha:kb7ogd-1 rt link ecwash:n7ogm-1 ;rt link esalem:n7ifj-1 ; All definitions and parameter settings are done. ; Start network services. ; start ; *** Start up timed events. cron from 00 to 23 each 10 at 5 "mbox forward" cron from 00 to 23 each 30 at 6 "expire kick" cron from 00 to 23 each 5 at 8 "kiss update" cron from 02 to 02 each 60 at 0 "wp clean" cron from 00 to 23 each 60 at now "netrom bc" cron from 00 to 23 each 30 at 0 "netrom id" cron from 00 to 23 each 20 at 5 "digi send k7iqi-1 beacon all beacon1.txt" cron from 00 to 23 each 60 at 9 "cron sync nist1.datum.com" ;cron from 00 to 23 each 60 at 9 "cron sync paret" ; Do commands that use the network. domain add ; Route information. ; Systems on the house ethernet done via the netmask on et1. ; All non ham radio routes to: router.k7iqi ; Note the "route addp" vs. "route add". ; For the private routes, we expect to get more general routing ; from that system via rip. route addp default et1 router.k7iqi direct