; This is startup for bvck.KB7ZPJ-5 log proc on set tnc1 true set de56 false set bpq true set enet true ; System identification: ; grid CN85nh domain name bvck.kb7zpj.ampr.org. ip address mbox haddress kb7zpj-4.or.usa.noam ax25 bbscall bvckml:kb7zpj-4 ax25 mycall bvck:kb7zpj-5 ;turn off messaging functions (BBS, NNTP, POP, SMTP) msgs off domain translate off ; Show IP addresses instead of domain names. ; lid protection ; *** Ethernet If enet attach packet et1 0x60 1520 ifconfig description et1 "Ethernet" ifconfig netmask et1 EndIf ; BPQENET. If bpq attach bpqenet ax1 0x60 256 252 ifconfig description ax1 "Ethernet to BVRCRK" ax25 speed ax1 64000 ax25 maxframe ax1 7 EndIf attach com com1 0x3f8 4 1280 64 19200 ifconfig description com1 "com1" attach com com2 0x2f8 3 1280 64 19200 ifconfig description com2 "com2" ;attach com com3 0x3e8 11 1024 64 19200 ;ifconfig description com3 "com3" ;attach com com4 0x2e8 10 1024 64 19200 ;ifconfig description com4 "com4" ;attach com com5 0x250 5 1024 64 19200 ;ifconfig description com5 "com5" If tnc1 ; KPC9612 1200 baud port attach xkiss ax2 com2 0 256 192 ifconfig description ax2 "VACANT, 1200 baud" ax25 speed ax2 1200 kiss TxDelay ax2 450 ; TXD in ms. kiss Persist ax2 255 ; Persist kiss SlotTime ax2 100 ; Slot time in ms. kiss TxTail ax2 30 ; TX tail in ms. kiss FullDup ax2 0 ; Full duplex off ;KPC9612 9600 baud port attach xkiss ax3 com2 1 256 224 ifconfig description ax3 "438.92 MHz to ORCY:KA7IJK, 9600 baud" ax25 speed ax3 9600 kiss TxDelay ax3 80 kiss TxTail ax3 20 EndIf If de56 attach kiss ax2 com1 0 256 224 ifconfig description ax2 " 9600 baud" tcp window ax2 8192 ax25 speed ax2 9600 kiss TxDelay ax2 80 ; TXD in ms. kiss TxTail ax2 20 ; TX tail in ms. kiss Persist ax2 255 kiss SlotTime ax2 100 ; Slot time in ms. kiss FullDup ax2 0 attach kiss ax3 com1 1 256 224 ifconfig description ax3 " 1200 baud" tcp window ax3 8192 ax25 speed ax3 1200 kiss TxDelay ax3 300 ; TXD in ms. kiss TxTail ax3 30 ; TX tail in ms. kiss Persist ax3 255 kiss SlotTime ax3 100 ; Slot time in ms. kiss FullDup ax3 0 EndIf ; DNS information. domain add paret ; For all non ham radio cron from 00 to 23 each 5 at 8 "kiss update" cron from 02 to 02 each 60 at 0 "wp clean" cron from 00 to 23 each 60 at 9 "cron sync paret" cron from 00 to 23 each 60 at 39 "cron sync orcy" cron from 00 to 23 each 60 at 42 "netrom bc" cron from 00 to 23 each 30 at 0 "netrom id" cron from 00 to 23 each 15 at 12 "digi send kb7zpj-5 beacon all beacon.txt" rt link bvrcrk:kb7zpj-6 rt link orcy:ka7ijk-1