; This is startup for ast.w7fbm Set enet false Set bpqe false set tnc1 true ; System identification: domain name ast.w7fbm.ampr.org. ip address mbox haddress w7fbm.or.usa.noam ax25 bbscall astmb:w7fbm ax25 mycall ast:w7fbm-1 wp update pdx mbox lid n7fsp ; *** Interfaces. ; House Ethernet If enet attach packet 0x60 et1 1520 ifconfig description et1 "House Ethernet" ifconfig netmask et1 tcp window et1 8192 ; BPQENET. If bpqe attach bpqenet 0x60 ax1 256 252 ifconfig description ax1 "House Ethernet" ax25 speed ax1 64000 ax25 maxframe ax1 7 ax25 maxframee ax1 20 EndIf EndIf ; Serial ports. attach com com1 0x3f8 4 1024 64 19200 ifconfig description com1 "com1" attach com com2 0x2f8 3 1024 64 19200 ifconfig description com2 "com2" ; Kantronics KPC9612. If tnc1 attach kiss ax2 com2 0 256 192 a ifconfig description ax2 "144.93 Mhz - 1200 Baud" ax25 speed ax2 1200 attach kiss ax3 com2 1 256 224 a ifconfig description ax3 "Link to HCKNSN, , 9600 Baud" ax25 speed ax3 9600 kiss TxDelay ax3 150 EndIf ; Fixed routes to HCKNSN and VRNONA. arp add hcknsn netrom n7yss-1 route addp hcknsn netrom direct rip add hcknsn arp add vrnona netrom w7ver-1 route addp vrnona netrom direct rip add vrnona ; digi echo id,mail,beacon,aprs all other ; Nodes to link with RoundTable. rt link hcknsn:n7yss-1 ; All definitions and parameter settings are done. ; Start network services. start cron from 00 to 23 each 10 at 5 "mbox forward" cron from 00 to 23 each 30 at 6 "expire kick" cron from 00 to 23 each 5 at 8 "kiss update" cron from 02 to 02 each 60 at 0 "wp clean" cron from 00 to 23 each 30 at 0 "netrom id" cron from 00 to 23 each 15 at 12 "digi send w7fbm-1 beacon all beacon.txt" cron from 00 to 23 each 1 "mbox import" ; Populate our routing table. ; Send our routing table. arp poll wait 5 rip kick wait 5 rip request ; Broadcast our node list. netrom bcnodes