; Change Log=================== ; ; Change Log=================== ; ; ; One group for each station we forward with. ; Call: The call of station we will forward with. ; Con: The interface to use and connect steps. ; Multiple Con: lines will be attempted in order. ; Tag: The tags to forward. ; Batch: Maximum size of compressed message batch. ; Timeout: "no activiy" timeout. ; ; Do not place the same tag in both the smtp: list ; and the con: list. It will result in duplicate ; messages being sent to that station! ; ;Multiple Con: lines are alternate ways to connect. They are ;attempted in order. ; ;Each Con: can have as many steps as you like. ;Each step might have several text fields. ; ;Con: nr1 n7vyn-1 kb7dbd ;Means: connect using netrom to n7vyn-1, then send "c kb7dbd" ;and wait for one of the "connected to" messages. ; ;May not work, depending on which call the outgoing connect uses. ;If it's the node call, the connect will fail, since that callsign pair ;is used for the node-to-node AX.25 link. ; ;Con: ax2 ptld-3 "2 dbd_mb-3" ;Means: connect using an L2 connect to ptld-3, then send ;"2 dbd_mb-3" and wait for ... etc. ; ;Con: nr1 paret #mthd mthood kb7dbd ;The obvious "hop by hop" netrom connection. ; ;Con: ax5 gorge-3 #gorg "2 paret-3" "ax4 #mthd-3" mthood kb7dbd ;Mostly L2, but some netrom connects. Many options :-) ; ;The syntax is not quite as capable as MB, but still can handle ;everything except "and wait for this response" or "ignore the ;next response". May have to add those. ; ;Here's an example from my forward.txt. ;Connect to paret, then connect out on the P38, after setting the ;radio memory channel. It first tries 28.077, then 21.076 and ;finally 14.116. Note the single quoted string inside the ;double quoted string ... ; ;Con: nr1 paret "p38 'wb1dsw/k mc016;'" ;Con: nr1 paret "p38 'wb1dsw/k mc014;'" ;Con: nr1 paret "p38 'wb1dsw/k mc011;'" ; ;Con: nr1 gorge -r1 "1 w7ymc" ;The fields after the connect description can have either -rn or +rn. ;-rn is how many lines to ignore before expecting the "connected to" response, ;+rn is how many lines to ignore after receiving the "connected to" response. ; ; ; Tag: The tags to forward. ; Batch: Maximum size of compressed message batch. ; Timeout: "no activity" timeout. ; Calls bracketted by Group: / EndGroup: are done sequentially. ; ; ; rewrite.txt places incoming messages into mailboxes. ; forward.txt forwards the contents of mailboxes. ; The alternate way of thinking about it is: ; rewrite.txt tags incoming messages with their mailbox name. ; forward.txt forwards messages with specific tags. ; ; e.g. in rewrite.txt I have: ; p n7ifj@* smifj n7ifj@n7ifj.ampr.org ; p *@n7ifj* smifj ; ; This puts anything addressed to n7ifj or @n7ifj into a mailbox smifj. ; ; In forward.txt I have: ; ; Call: smifj ; Smtp: esalem ; Tag: smifj ; ; Sounds complicated, but is actually fairly simple. ; Every tag (or mailbox) name you mention in rewrite.txt must ; also be mentioned in forward.txt, with one exception. That ; exception is your own POP mailbox. See the PARET examples, ; and that the tag (mailbox) named Hank is not in forward.txt. ; It is, however, in permits.txt which is where POP logins are defined. ; ; Bulletin and NTS traffic is handled in the same way. ; ; >>>>> Send using AX.25 <<<<< ; ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> START Washington County Stations <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ; Call: k7iqi Batch: 20000 Port: netrom Con: k7iqi Tag: k7iqi orares pdx or wa arrl pnw usw wcares ares races ; Call: kb7ogd Batch: 20000 Port: netrom Con: kb7ogd Tag: kb7ogd orares pdx or wa arrl pnw usw wcares ares races usa ww noam ; Call: wc7eoc Batch: 20000 Port: netrom Con: wc7eoc Tag: wc7eoc orares pdx or wa arrl pnw usw wcares ares races ; Call: k7hio Batch: 20000 Port: netrom Con: k7hio Tag: k7hio orares pdx or wa arrl pnw usw wcares ares races ; Call: n7ogm Batch: 20000 Port: netrom Con: n7ogm Tag: n7ogm orares pdx or wa arrl pnw usw wcares ares races ; ; Call: w7bvt ; Batch: 20000 ; Port: netrom ; Con: w7bvt ; Tag: w7bvt orares pdx or arrl pnw usw wcares ares races ; ; Call: k7cpu ; Batch: 20000 ; Port: netrom ; Con: k7cpu ; Tag: k7cpu orares pdx or arrl pnw usw wcares ares races ; Call: kd7rfj Batch: 20000 Port: netrom Con: kd7rfj Tag: kd7rfj orares pdx or wa arrl pnw usw wcares ares races usa ww noam ; ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> END Washington County Stations <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ; ; >>>>>>>>>> NE stations Call: n7qdn Batch: 5000 Timeout: 5000 Port: netrom Con: n7qdn Tag: n7qdn kf7ln ka7agh n7zhg wa7ne w7lt ; ; >>>>>>>>>> Clackamas Co. Stations Call: w0rli Batch: 5000 Timeout: 5000 Port: netrom Con: w0rli Tag: w0rli kb7zpj ka7ijk kc7zzx ; ; >>>>>>>>>> North and West Stations Call: n7yss Batch: 5000 Timeout: 5000 Port: netrom Con: n7yss Tag: n7yss w7fbm w7ver kb7cd kr7kar ; ; >>>>>>>>>> South Stations Call: n7ifj Batch: 5000 Timeout: 5000 Port: netrom Con: n7ifj Tag: n7ifj w7oem kg7lx orares pdx or wa arrl pnw ares races ; ; ; >>>>> Send using SMTP <<<<< ; ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> START Washington County Stations <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ; Call: smeoc Smtp: wc7eoc.ampr.org Tag: smeoc ; Call: smogm Smtp: n7ogm.ampr.org Tag: smogm ; Call: smiqi Smtp: k7iqi.ampr.org Tag: smiqi ; Call: smhio Smtp: k7hio.ampr.org Tag: smhio ; Call: smogd Smtp: kb7ogd.ampr.org Tag: smogd ; Call: smrfj Smtp: kd7rfj.ampr.org Tag: smrfj ; ; ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> END Washington County Stations <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ; ; ; >>>>>>>>>> NE stations Call: smqdn Smtp: n7qdn.ampr.org Tag: smqdn smlfn smagh smne smlt ; ; >>>>>>>>>> Clackamas Co. Stations Call: smrli Smtp: w0rli.ampr.org Tag: smrli smzpj smijk smzzx ; ; >>>>>>>>>> North and West Stations Call: n7yss Smtp: n7yss.ampr.org Tag: smyss smfbm smver smcd smkar smast ; ; >>>>>>>>>> South Stations Call: smifj Smtp: n7ifj.ampr.org Tag: smifj kg7lx ; ; One group for each station we forward with. ; AX.25 Forwarding GROUP ; ; Group: east ; ; Call: n7qdn ; Batch: 5000 ; Timeout: 1000 ; Port: netrom ; Con: n7qdn ; Tag: n7qdn kf7ln n7zhg ; ; EndGroup: east ; ; ; Forward Mail to various PBBS locations ; ;Call: n7qqu ;Batch: 10000 ;Timeout: 600 ;Port: ax2 ;Con: n7qqu-12 ;+r5 ;Tag: orares pdx or wa pnw usw wcares ares races ; ;Call: kd7rfi ;Batch: 10000 ;Timeout: 600 ;Port: ax2 ;Con: kd7rfi ;+r5 ;Tag: kd7rfi orares pdx or wa pnw wcares ares races ; ; ;end of file