; This is the rewrite.txt file. ; address mailbox [new-address] ; Clean up misrouted WP queries and updates. P wp@* n7qdn wp@n7qdn.or.usa.noam ; Leave my own mail here. P kb7ogd@* kb7ogd ; Local users get a mailbox of their callsign. P *@kb7ogd.* $1 ; Incoming bulletins from AX.25 BBS systems. B *@wwa wwa B *@ww* ww $1@ww B *@usa* usa $1@usa B *@usbbs usa $1@usa B *@allus usa $1@usa B *@allusa usa $1@usa B *@pnw pnw B *@pdx pdx B *@or or B *@usw usw B *@amsat* amsat $1@amsat B *@arrl arrl B *@arl arrl $1@arrl B *@noam noam ; Things that get delivered via smtp. ; May arrive via smtp, or from an AX.25 BBS system. p k7iqi@* smiqi k7iqi@k7iqi.ampr.org p w0rli@* smrli w0rli@w0rli.ampr.org p kb7zpj@* smzpj kb7zpj@kb7zpj.ampr.org p ka7ijk@* smijk ka7ijk@ka7ijk.ampr.org p n7qdn@* smqdn n7qdn@.n7qdn.ampr.org p n7yss@* smyss n7yss@.n7yss.ampr.org p ka7agh@* smagh ka7agh@ka7agh.ampr.org p wa7ne@* smlt wa7ne@w7lt.ampr.org p w7lt@* smlt wa7ne@w7lt.ampr.org p n7qqu@* smqqu n7qqu@n7qqu.ampr.org p wc7eoc@* smeoc wc7eoc@wc7eoc.ampr.org p n7ogm@* smogm n7ogm@n7ogm.ampr.org p k7hio@* smhio k7hio@k7hio.ampr.org ; Things that forwarded directly to BBS systems. p *@n7yss* k7iqi p *@w7ver* k7iqi p *@w7fbm* k7iqi p *@kg7lx* kg7lx p *@w7plk* k7iqi p *@w7oem* k7iqi p *@n7qme* k7iqi p *@w7flo* k7iqi p *@wa7sjn* k7iqi p *@n7qdn* k7iqi p *@n7pdx* k7iqi p *@ka7agh* ka7agh p *@kb7zpj* kb7zpj p *@kf7ln* k7iqi p *@ka7ijk ka7ijk p *@wc7eoc wc7eoc p *@n7ogm* n7ogm p *@wx7pdx* w0rli p *@n7ifj* n7ifj p *@k7hio* k7hio ; Toss anything left to the main system. * kb7ogd